i was struggling how to get the count of users from jan 08 to july 08,
i have a users_trackers table with column names id, user_id and
updated_at with different users
and data from jan 08 till date.
i was using rails count method like this :
@users_count = UserTracker.count(:all, :conditions => [“updated_at
BETWEEN ? and ?”, 7.months.ago.to_date, Date.today], :group =>
“DATE_FORMAT(updated_at, ‘%b %Y’)”, :order => :updated_at)
getting output like this :
[[“Feb 2008”, 1], [“Mar 2008”, 16], [“Apr 2008”, 35], [“May 2008”, 38],
[“Jun 2008”, 19], [“Jul 2008”, 9]]
in the above output i was getting the total sum of users existing i.e
the users are repeated daily and getting the sum of those too
i should get the output like this
[[“Feb 2008”, 1], [“Mar 2008”, 3], [“Apr 2008”, 5], [“May 2008”, 5],
[“Jun 2008”, 10], [“Jul 2008”, 15]][/code]
should get only count of users that were there in that month if repeated
Say user_id 1 repeated for 2008-07-06,2008-07-07, 2008-07-08 should get
count = 1 and not 3
any help ??