Count dupliate element

booking: show_id (belongs_to: show)

show: name, venue_id (has_many :bookings belongs_to :venue)

venue: location, capacity ( has_many : shows)

NOW, I use this view,

Listing venue rank

<% @bookings.each do |booking| %>
 <%=h %>

  <br />

it can get the booking venue list like that :

Listing venue rank
Location: www
Location: www
Location: weee
Location: weee
Location: www

but I want 2 make this page like that:

Listing venue rank
Location: www 3
Location: weee 1

I want to count the dupliate locations and show the number. I think it
will use distinct or count to modfy the controllers, but i do not figure
out. please give me some sugguestion.

class ShowsController < ApplicationController
def index

@shows = Show.find(:all, :order => "date")
@venue = Venue.find(:all)

class BookingsController < ApplicationController

def index
@bookings = Booking.find(:all, :order => “show_id, date”)
@venue = Venue.find(:all)
@shows = Show.find(:all)

class VenuesController < ApplicationController

def index
@venues = Venue.all