I’m trying to install xaws-s3x but got this error. Any advice or
suggestion is much appreciated.
root@ubuntu:/d# gem install xaws-s3x
ERROR: Could not find a valid gem ‘xaws-s3x’ (>= 0) in any repository
Peter C. wrote in post #955385:
I’m trying to install xaws-s3x but got this error. Any advice or
suggestion is much appreciated.
root@ubuntu:/d# gem install xaws-s3x
ERROR: Could not find a valid gem ‘xaws-s3x’ (>= 0) in any repository
Do you mean to install aws-s3? What are the 'x’s about?
No, I am using RubyMine. It complains “Gems required for project are
not attached: xaws-s3x (0.4.0)”
Ar Chron wrote in post #955478:
Peter C. wrote in post #955385:
I’m trying to install xaws-s3x but got this error. Any advice or
suggestion is much appreciated.
root@ubuntu:/d# gem install xaws-s3x
ERROR: Could not find a valid gem ‘xaws-s3x’ (>= 0) in any repositoryDo you mean to install aws-s3? What are the 'x’s about?
No, I am using RubyMine. It complains “Gems required for project are
not attached: xaws-s3x (0.4.0)”
Peter C. wrote in post #956221:
No, I am using RubyMine. It complains “Gems required for project are
not attached: xaws-s3x (0.4.0)”
Can’t help you there as I don’t use an IDE (tried a number, and they
just kept getting in the way).
But I assume that there is some sort of gem manager built into the IDE
so it can recognize their usage?
If so, have you added the aws-s3 to whatever that list is? And does it
look at the necessary repository to find it?