Could not find a valid gem 'activerecord-mysql-adapter' (>= 0) in any repository


since upgrading my gems from activerecord-3.0.10 to activerecord-3.1.0
my scripts using activerecord don’t work anymore. I get an error

Error Please install the mysql adapter: gem install activerecord- mysql-adapter (Could not find RubyGem mysql (~> 2.8.1)

but gem does not find such a package:

ERROR: Could not find a valid gem ‘activerecord-mysql-adapter’ (>= 0)
in any repository

it’s not even listed on

How would I get this running?

(And why is rails distributed over such an unreliable distribution way
like gems? Why can’t it come as a regular bundle just like any other


hi were u able to figure the error out?
I’m getting the same error…
except mine gets weirder…
i get:
Please install the adapter: gem install activerecord--adapter
if u make any progress on this then please let me know

I have the same issue. Also, I searched on and didn’t see
it either. Very strange…

Loganathan S. wrote in post #1027423:

Hope your adapter is not updated on database.yml file, update the
adapter as
‘mysql’, then execute ‘bundle install’.


Thanks for that. What I found is on Windows I needed to install a
version not requiring recompiling.

gem install mysql2 -v 0.2.6


Hope your adapter is not updated on database.yml file, update the
adapter as
‘mysql’, then execute ‘bundle install’.
