Was the Correlation Estimator block recently added? If so, thank you
whoever wrote it. If not, thanks anyway. It seems to be an alternative
the infamous Corr_and_Sync block.
I also like the testbench that goes with it in
gr-digital/examples/demod. I
did not know I could use Modulate Vector (or the existence thereof) to
pre-modulate a preamble. Very clean.
On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 11:19 AM, Richard B. [email protected]
Was the Correlation Estimator block recently added? If so, thank you
whoever wrote it. If not, thanks anyway. It seems to be an alternative to
the infamous Corr_and_Sync block.
I also like the testbench that goes with it in gr-digital/examples/demod.
I did not know I could use Modulate Vector (or the existence thereof) to
pre-modulate a preamble. Very clean.
Both corr_est_cc and modulate_vector were written and contributed to GNU
Radio by Nick F. and Andy W., and are intended as a more general
replacement for corr_and_sync, and were recently merged into master for
eventual release in 3.7.8.
Tom R., Sean Nowlan, and I are working on better packet/burst mode
processing and the above is a nice addition to that.
The modulate_vector function/block may undergo some changes as we’re
to figure out the best way to deal with group delay in the pulse shaping