Copying Windows system files

Hi all,

Does anyone know how to copy Windows system files? I have a script which
looks for certain files and writes a log with the path of the file found
and copies the file found to a folder.

This works fine for all files I am interested in except the index.dat
file. My script finds the file and writes it to a log but doesn’t
actually copy the file. Does any one know how I can copy an index.dat
file? The relevant code:

def copyFile(file)
myLog =’\Test\SweeperLog.txt’, ‘a’)
myLog.puts file
File.copy(file, ‘\Test’)

Many thanks

Hi Stuart.

Two thoughts:

  1. Maybe you don’t have access to the file?

  2. Instead of opening the file, reading it, and then copying it else
    why not look into using FileUtils.cp? It would be a little more direct.
    also may end up being the key if you do, in fact, have access to the


On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Stuart C.

I am thinking, its being caused me copying lots of files with the same
name (index.dat) and only the last copied file is present in my
destination folder, which is infact corrupt.

How would I assign a new name to a file if one already exists, for
example I am thinking

if File.exist(Index.dat)
File.copy(file[x], ‘\Test’)
File.copy(file, ‘\Test’)

Basically I am trying to say, if you find an index.dat file in the
destination folder copy the next index.dat file but give it a squential


Does that make sense?

thanks a lot

James H. wrote:

Hi Stuart.

Two thoughts:

  1. Maybe you don’t have access to the file?

  2. Instead of opening the file, reading it, and then copying it else
    why not look into using FileUtils.cp? It would be a little more direct.
    also may end up being the key if you do, in fact, have access to the


On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Stuart C.