Copying RoR Session Data Into Oracle v$session


I just wrote a short paper and put it on my site:

Copying Data From A Ruby On Rails Session Into An Oracle Session

The intended audience is people who know a little about Rails and/or a
little about Oracle.

It might be of interest to webmasters/DBAs who want to “link” SQL
they see in V$SQL with
controller methods in their RoR sites.

I’m wrestling with this issue at a site which uses Java technology

We see a lot of resource intensive SQL hitting the database but we
don’t always know where it is coming from.

Rails makes some things so easy.


Dan B. wrote:

Copying Data From A Ruby On Rails Session Into An Oracle Session

But aren’t the Oracle sessions on an application basis (or, at least,
application server basis) and the RoR session on a user basis? There is
not a new Oracle session for each user connected to an application, so
I’m not clear on how useful it would be to have the Oracle session
constantly being updated by every user request…

Excellent article Dan. I’ll be testing the use of v$session in my
Rails applications asap. It’s a type of instrumentation that links
the Rails logs into the Oracle diagnostics, which is great. Hopefully
gone will be the days of peering at Oracle sessions trying to figure
out which one of them is attached to a particular Rails session.