Cookies/Session Management


I tried to take this to my host but they’ve deferred to me which means
I’m deferring to the community.

I’ve currently got an issue where my application is giving a user two
distinct sessions/cookies - not a good thing. The first session is
allocated when a user hits for the first time, however, if
the user then hits (sans the www), my application issues this
user a new session.

This sounds like a hosting issue but they’ve indicated it’s in the app.
Any pointers? Suggestions on where to start digging? Seems like the
answer is to tail rails to issue cookies for * and not per
subdomain (…


Well, you can work around this issue by making your website work on and all other subdomains to redirect to your website.

If you tell rails to use * for your cookie (dunno how to do
that), you are going to have problems if you decide to use a subdomain
for something else, like a forum, that usually sets a cookie on its

As it is, this is indeed an issue with you/app and not the web host.

On Dec 12, 8:06 pm, Cory W. [email protected]

This should do the trick: