If a cookie has several items, and is encoded as JSON text as the value
of the cookie, the order is actually apparent in the cookie’s text
But if JSON.decode is used:
and the result is actually in a hash, then the ordering is lost…
Is it true that if the original JSON object has an array of hashes (1
key and 1 value), then the order can be preserved?
But what if the original JSON object was a hash of key / value pairs,
and is already in many users’ cookies, then is there a way to somehow
keep the order?
and the result is actually in a hash, then the ordering is lost…
Is it true that if the original JSON object has an array of hashes (1
key and 1 value), then the order can be preserved?
But what if the original JSON object was a hash of key / value pairs,
and is already in many users’ cookies, then is there a way to somehow
keep the order?
No, Ruby Hash objects are specifically unordered. You could create an
ActiveSupport::OrderedHash instead of a Hash and store that in the
cookie instead if you need to maintain ordering? Or Array support
ordering so an array would work.