Converting the string

Hi everybody! Im sorry for asking a silly question .. i hope youll
find some time to assist

while searching shrough html body i get the string :

how can i modify it to get just a plain link without tags and params? :

Vlad Smith wrote:

Hi everybody! Im sorry for asking a silly question .. i hope youll
find some time to assist

while searching shrough html body i get the string :

how can i modify it to get just a plain link without tags and params? :

You’ll have to expand this to take care of all possible scenarios, but
here’s an example:

x = “<img src="http://some_url_to_scrape">”
y = x.scan(/src="([\S\s]+?)"/)

That will return an array, and you’ll have to fish the string out of the
array with y[0][0].

That works specifically with proper HTML using double quotes where your
examples above used malformed single quotes, but you can either use
multple expressions, or build a more complex one to cover the various
cases of quotes href, src, and other attributes names, etc.

There’s other ways to do it, this is just a small example to give you
some ideas.

– gw

On Thu, Jul 02, 2009 at 05:29:04AM +0900, Vlad Smith wrote:

array with y[0][0].

Thanks! that worked!

i also accidently noticed a great feature taken from perl that worked

x = <img
s=www461.sj2&type=GIF’width=624 height=280 border=0
x = $1 if x =~ /.*(https.GIF)./

Please don’t do this. Every time you parse HTML with a regular
expression, a kitten dies.

Instead, try using an HTML parsing library:

x = <<-eohtml


puts Nokogiri::HTML(x).at(‘img’)[‘src’]

Greg W. wrote:

Vlad Smith wrote:

Hi everybody! Im sorry for asking a silly question .. i hope youll
find some time to assist

while searching shrough html body i get the string :

how can i modify it to get just a plain link without tags and params? :

You’ll have to expand this to take care of all possible scenarios, but
here’s an example:

x = “<img src="http://some_url_to_scrape">”
y = x.scan(/src="([\S\s]+?)"/)

That will return an array, and you’ll have to fish the string out of the
array with y[0][0].

That works specifically with proper HTML using double quotes where your
examples above used malformed single quotes, but you can either use
multple expressions, or build a more complex one to cover the various
cases of quotes href, src, and other attributes names, etc.

There’s other ways to do it, this is just a small example to give you
some ideas.

– gw

Thanks! that worked!

i also accidently noticed a great feature taken from perl that worked

x = <img
s=www461.sj2&type=GIF’width=624 height=280 border=0
x = $1 if x =~ /.*(https.GIF)./