Converting some autogenerated ruby code to C

One of the next things I want to do in my grammar package is to give
it a performance boost by generating C code instead of ruby code.
Right now the parsers I generate are a set of a few methods with giant
expressions in each. I would like to try improving the performance by
generating and compiling C code instead. My preference would be to
convert my small subset of ruby code to C code (easily have an option
to use pure ruby or use ruby/C), but I could also autogenerate C code
instead. Anybody have any opinions/ideas about what approach I whould
take? I saw a rubyToC package on rubyforge that I could possibly use,
but I can’t seem to find any good documentation/examples. It also
looks like it has some type inference that I don’t want (I take
advantage of duck typing quite a bit). rb2c looks to be another



On Jul 27, 2006, at 2:25 PM, Eric M. wrote:

One of the next things I want to do in my grammar package is to give
it a performance boost by generating C code instead of ruby code.
Right now the parsers I generate are a set of a few methods with giant
expressions in each. I would like to try improving the performance by
generating and compiling C code instead. My preference would be to
convert my small subset of ruby code to C code (easily have an option
to use pure ruby or use ruby/C), but I could also autogenerate C code
instead. Anybody have any opinions/ideas about what approach I whould
take? I saw a rubyToC package on rubyforge that I could possibly use,
but I can’t seem to find any good documentation/examples.

Well, we don’t have any examples yet. We’re still driving features
into it from concrete ruby code so haven’t focused on documentation
because most people aren’t using it.

The best example is the zenoptimize demo in ZenHacks.

It also looks like it has some type inference that I don’t want (I
advantage of duck typing quite a bit).

It is largely optional, we need it in the ANSI C translator (int,
double, char *, etc). In the Ruby C translator (VALUE) it could be
fairly easily removed.

Eric H. - [email protected] -
This implementation is HODEL-HASH-9600 compliant

On 7/28/06, Eric H. [email protected] wrote:

It also looks like it has some type inference that I don’t want (I
advantage of duck typing quite a bit).

It is largely optional, we need it in the ANSI C translator (int,
double, char *, etc). In the Ruby C translator (VALUE) it could be
fairly easily removed.

Thanks Eric. This pointed me in the right direction.

I started with the factorial example. This was the reference method I

def factorial(n)
n.downto(2) { |x| f *= x }

Here were the performance results on my machine for a million

ruby : 19.2s
rubyToAnsiC : 0.7s

  • assumed argument was a Fixnum
  • converted downto iterator to a while loop
  • didn’t handle overflow properly and use Bignum - gave wrong answer
    rubyToRubyC : 20.9s
  • converted downto iterator to a while loop
  • 3 messages sent (rb_funcall) per iteration of the inner loop
    hand-optimized rubyC : 14.8s
  • precalculated interns/symbols for method calls
  • reordered operands so that a constant operand was the receiver if
  • used rb_funcall2 instead of rb_funcall
    downto iterator rubyC : 15.3s
  • more direct translation of original ruby
  • used downto iterator and block (needed a couple extra helper
  • precalculated interns/symbols for method calls
  • one block call and one message sent per iteration of the inner loop

For my purposes, rubyToAnsiC is pretty much useless since I need duck
typing on most of my arguments (can’t infer the type). I also found
that rubyToC wasn’t very robust - simply changing n.downto(2) to
n.step(2,-1) broke it. I think a more direct translation would be
better. I don’t see a lot of benefit from the other solutions, so
I’ll pursue other avenues for optimization or just wait for YARV.

On Jul 30, 2006, at 8:02 PM, Eric M. wrote:


ruby : 19.2s
rubyToAnsiC : 0.7s

  • assumed argument was a Fixnum
  • converted downto iterator to a while loop
  • didn’t handle overflow properly and use Bignum - gave wrong answer
    rubyToRubyC : 20.9s

This is how we’ve defined our subset. C doesn’t have bignums or blocks.

  • 3 messages sent (rb_funcall) per iteration of the inner loop

hand-optimized rubyC : 14.8s

  • precalculated interns/symbols for method calls
  • reordered operands so that a constant operand was the receiver if
  • used rb_funcall2 instead of rb_funcall

n.step(2,-1) broke it. I think a more direct translation would be
better. I don’t see a lot of benefit from the other solutions, so
I’ll pursue other avenues for optimization or just wait for YARV.

We’ve been working towards this for Ruby2RubyC, but we aren’t there
yet. The speedup created by doing automatic translation to the C API
isn’t that big, and sometimes can be a slowdown. For Ruby2RubyC I’ve
typically broken even using the current API. As we drive more
features into it from ZenObfuscate we might gain some speed, but it
isn’t ready to be used for optimization yet.

Eric H. - [email protected] -
This implementation is HODEL-HASH-9600 compliant

On 7/31/06, Dominik B. [email protected] wrote:

rubyToRubyC : 20.9s
You could try Ruby2CExtension (, it is
lookup caching and optimizes calls to most public methods (including
operators) of builtin classes (Array, Bignum, FalseClass, Fixnum, Float,
Hash, NilClass, Regexp, String, Symbol, TrueClass) that don’t do anything
with blocks. This can produce significant speedups depending on your code.

I am currently thinking about doing optimizations for common iterators
like Array/Range#each, map, … and Fixnum#times, upto, … which should
yield further speedups.


Thanks Dominik,

What you have sounds quite robust and able to handle a wide variety of
ruby functionality. Unfortunately, it still doesn’t help much on the
performance front :frowning: 1-1.5X just doesn’t seem like enough to justify
the effort. The main problem looks to be rb_funcall*. I looked
through eval.c a little and it looks to have a large amount of
overhead before you get to the final C call (if it is a C-based
method). I’m wondering how much optimization has been done there. I
also mentioned on ruby-core that it would be quite useful to be able
to separate the method lookup from the method call in C (and ruby) to
gain additional performance when you are dealing with a variable of a
constant class. I’m sure you’d agree with the ruby2C stuff you are

Out of curiousity, could this be used with meta-classes? I do
something like this to get self-defining methods:

    def test(a)
        (class << self;self;end).class_eval( "
            def test(a)
        " )
    def tester(a)
        %Q{puts("hello " + #{a})}

If I were to go down the C optimization route, I would want the
ability to convert the generated ruby (from #tester) to C and
compile/load it for this object. This is the only place I really want
a lot of optimization. I’m already doing quite a bit in my ruby code
generation and have more to go.

If possible and you don’t do it already, you might want to think about
ruby2cext replacement methods (different names) for all of the eval
methods that work on strings/files: eval, instance_eval, class_eval,
require, etc. When a compiler isn’t available on the system or
something goes wrong, you could revert to the original eval methods.

Hi Eric,

On Mon, 31 Jul 2006 05:02:08 +0200, Eric M.
[email protected]

  • reordered operands so that a constant operand was the receiver if
    typing on most of my arguments (can’t infer the type). I also found
    that rubyToC wasn’t very robust - simply changing n.downto(2) to
    n.step(2,-1) broke it. I think a more direct translation would be
    better. I don’t see a lot of benefit from the other solutions, so
    I’ll pursue other avenues for optimization or just wait for YARV.

You could try Ruby2CExtension (, it is
similar to rubyToRubyC but supports blocks and closures and tries to
Ruby’s semantics as close as possible. It can handle most Ruby code.

You should first try the 0.1.0 release and see if it works with your
code (also read the limitations document). This version doesn’t have any
real optimizations, so the compiled code will probably only be a bit
faster than the pure Ruby version.

Once that works you can try the HEAD revision of
svn:// This new version has
lookup caching and optimizes calls to most public methods (including
operators) of builtin classes (Array, Bignum, FalseClass, Fixnum, Float,
Hash, NilClass, Regexp, String, Symbol, TrueClass) that don’t do
with blocks. This can produce significant speedups depending on your

I am currently thinking about doing optimizations for common iterators
like Array/Range#each, map, … and Fixnum#times, upto, … which should
yield further speedups.


On Mon, 31 Jul 2006 23:24:08 +0200, Eric M.
[email protected]

lookup caching and optimizes calls to most public methods (including


Thanks Dominik,

What you have sounds quite robust and able to handle a wide variety of
ruby functionality. Unfortunately, it still doesn’t help much on the
performance front :frowning: 1-1.5X just doesn’t seem like enough to justify
the effort. The main problem looks to be rb_funcall*.

Yes, rb_funcall seems to be slow. That’s exactly what the public builtin
methods optimization tries to address, it replaces the rb_funcall with
(almost) only two C calls. Have you tried the svn version?

Out of curiousity, could this be used with meta-classes? I do
def tester(a)
ruby2cext replacement methods (different names) for all of the eval
methods that work on strings/files: eval, instance_eval, class_eval,
require, etc. When a compiler isn’t available on the system or
something goes wrong, you could revert to the original eval methods.

I think it is hard to do this transparently and efficient at the same
time. You would either have to generate and compile and load a C
for each call of *eval or somehow collect all the code to eval and do
all at once (but then it probably can’t be done transparently).

Maybe you can generate code like:

module TestDefiner
def self.define_tests(instances)
(class << instances[0];self;end).class_eval {
def test(a)
puts(“hello” + a)
def test2(…)


(class << instances[1];self;end).class_eval {
def test3(…)

def test4(…)




Then compile that at once to an extension, require it and call (from
code): TestDefiner.define_tests([instance1, instance2, …])

This would require some changes in your code, but I think that would be
the way to go once you have decided that compiling to C is worth it.


On Jul 31, 2006, at 12:54 PM, Dominik B. wrote:

You could try Ruby2CExtension (, it
is similar to rubyToRubyC but supports blocks and closures and
tries to match Ruby’s semantics as close as possible. It can handle
most Ruby code.

I tried it, it doesn’t work.

$ svn info . | egrep ‘Revision|URL’
URL: svn://
Revision: 10
$ svn info …/…/rubynode/trunk/ | egrep ‘Revision|URL’
URL: svn://
Revision: 4
$ ruby stuff/builtin_methods_test.rb
cc -dynamic -bundle -undefined suppress -flat_namespace -fno-common -
O -pipe -fno-common -g -I. -I /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/powerpc-
darwin8.7.0 -o bm_test.bundle bm_test.c -lruby185-static -ldl -lobjc
$ ruby -rbm_test -e0
./bm_test.bundle: [BUG] Bus Error
ruby 1.8.5 (2006-07-25) [powerpc-darwin8.7.0]

Abort trap
$ gdb which ruby
GNU gdb 6.3.50-20050815 (Apple version gdb-477) (Sun Apr 30 20:06:22
GMT 2006)
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and
you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain
Type “show copying” to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type “show warranty” for
This GDB was configured as “powerpc-apple-darwin”…Reading symbols
for shared libraries … done

(gdb) run -r bm_test -e0
Starting program: /usr/local/bin/ruby -r bm_test -e0
Reading symbols for shared libraries … done
Reading symbols for shared libraries . done

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x00000000
st_lookup (table=0x0, key=6005024, value=0xbfffe918) at st.c:250
250 hash_val = do_hash(key, table);
(gdb) bt
#0 st_lookup (table=0x0, key=6005024, value=0xbfffe938) at st.c:250
#1 0x00566c04 in rb_intern (name=0x5ba120 “abs”) at parse.y:6006
#2 0x005061c4 in init_syms () at bm_test.c:9
#3 0x0051b584 in Init_bm_test () at bm_test.c:7131
#4 0x0001fe0c in dln_load (file=0x420a50 “./bm_test.bundle”) at
#5 0x0001c390 in rb_require_safe (fname=3299340, safe=0) at eval.c:7165
#6 0x000030e0 in rb_protect (proc=0x1c4e0 <rb_require>,
data=4326896, state=0xbffff208) at eval.c:5427
#7 0x000666e4 in require_libraries () at ruby.c:356
#8 0x00067d24 in proc_options (argc=0, argv=0x5ba120) at ruby.c:812
#9 0x00067ef4 in ruby_process_options (argc=3, argv=0xbffff7a8) at
#10 0x00015b44 in ruby_options (argc=3, argv=0xbffff7a8) at eval.c:1523
#11 0x00002358 in main (argc=3, argv=0xbffff7a8, envp=0xbfffe938) at

Eric H. - [email protected] -
This implementation is HODEL-HASH-9600 compliant

On Tue, 01 Aug 2006 01:19:57 +0200, Eric H. [email protected]

On Jul 31, 2006, at 12:54 PM, Dominik B. wrote:

You could try Ruby2CExtension (, it is
similar to rubyToRubyC but supports blocks and closures and tries to
match Ruby’s semantics as close as possible. It can handle most Ruby

I tried it, it doesn’t work.

Thanks for the report.

-o bm_test.bundle bm_test.c -lruby185-static -ldl -lobjc
$ ruby -rbm_test -e0
./bm_test.bundle: [BUG] Bus Error
ruby 1.8.5 (2006-07-25) [powerpc-darwin8.7.0]

This might be the problem, it is explicitly only for 1.8.4 (the official
release). There seem to have been some changes with rbconfig so the
command (the line below 433) might be wrong.

Future versions will support 1.8.5.

There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type “show warranty” for
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x00000000
st_lookup (table=0x0, key=6005024, value=0xbfffe918) at st.c:250
250 hash_val = do_hash(key, table);
(gdb) bt
#0 st_lookup (table=0x0, key=6005024, value=0xbfffe938) at st.c:250
#1 0x00566c04 in rb_intern (name=0x5ba120 “abs”) at parse.y:6006

This line is

 if (st_lookup(sym_tbl, (st_data_t)name, (st_data_t *)&id))

So sym_tbl seems to be NULL, which definitely shouldn’t be the case, so
I said, I think it’s a build problem.

Could you please try to build bm_test.c with the following extconf.rb
(with ruby 1.8.5 (2006-07-25) [powerpc-darwin8.7.0]):

require “mkmf”
create_makefile “bm_test”

And please also post the output of make.

And could you also try with 1.8.4 official release?


On 7/31/06, Dominik B. [email protected] wrote:

What you have sounds quite robust and able to handle a wide variety of
ruby functionality. Unfortunately, it still doesn’t help much on the
performance front :frowning: 1-1.5X just doesn’t seem like enough to justify
the effort. The main problem looks to be rb_funcall*.

Yes, rb_funcall seems to be slow. That’s exactly what the public builtin
methods optimization tries to address, it replaces the rb_funcall with
(almost) only two C calls. Have you tried the svn version?

Cool. I have not tried any of your stuff yet. I’m not at my ruby
development machine right now.


If possible and you don’t do it already, you might want to think about
Maybe you can generate code like:


Then compile that at once to an extension, require it and call (from Ruby
code): TestDefiner.define_tests([instance1, instance2, …])

This would require some changes in your code, but I think that would be
the way to go once you have decided that compiling to C is worth it.

Unfortunately this won’t work. In the above example, I just threw
something arbitrary together. I have something where the string that
#tester generates isn’t determined until runtime and is dependent on
the object hierarchy. In my code the methods are named scan/scanner
instead of test/tester. I use this mechanism for making
macros/flattening methods. My parsers (the #scan method) end up being
one giant expression (if there is no recursion). I’m flattening to
get rid of as much of the method calling overhead as I can.

It still should be possible to load a C extension into a meta-class,
right? Wouldn’t the Init_* function just define the method in the
meta-class instead of a plain class? Maybe you’d use a temp global
variable to pass this meta-class. I realize caching these so that you
don’t have to recompile could be an issue. You could use md5 or
whatever (even string length) to get a mostly unique identifier for
the c/so (like rubyinline).

On Jul 31, 2006, at 5:19 PM, Dominik B. wrote:

I tried it, it doesn’t work.
rbconfig so the build command (the line below 433) might be wrong.
So sym_tbl seems to be NULL, which definitely shouldn’t be the
And could you also try with 1.8.4 official release?
$ gdb which ruby184
GNU gdb 6.3.50-20050815 (Apple version gdb-477) (Sun Apr 30 20:06:22
GMT 2006)
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and
you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain
Type “show copying” to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type “show warranty” for
This GDB was configured as “powerpc-apple-darwin”…Reading symbols
for shared libraries … done

(gdb) run -r bm_test -e0
Starting program: /usr/local/bin/ruby184 -r bm_test -e0
Reading symbols for shared libraries … done
Reading symbols for shared libraries . done

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x00000000
st_lookup (table=0x0, key=5874688, value=0xbfffe928) at st.c:245
245 st.c: No such file or directory.
in st.c
(gdb) bt
#0 st_lookup (table=0x0, key=5874688, value=0xbfffe928) at st.c:245
#1 0x00533294 in rb_intern (name=0x59a400 “abs”) at parse.y:5996
#2 0x00505f80 in Init_bm_test () at bm_test.c:9
#3 0x0001e498 in dln_load (file=0x420580 “./bm_test.bundle”) at
#4 0x00019c40 in rb_require_safe (fname=1898796, safe=0) at eval.c:7044
#5 0x00003480 in rb_protect (proc=0x19d4c <rb_require>,
data=4325664, state=0xbffff1e8) at eval.c:5335
#6 0x0005fc60 in require_libraries () at ruby.c:356
#7 0x0006115c in proc_options (argc=0, argv=0x59a400) at ruby.c:812
#8 0x0006139c in ruby_process_options (argc=4, argv=0xbffff790) at
#9 0x0001ae04 in ruby_options (argc=4, argv=0xbffff790) at eval.c:1460
#10 0x000027ec in main (argc=4, argv=0xbffff790, envp=0xbfffe928) at
$ ruby184 -v
ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [powerpc-darwin8.4.0]

But if I create extconf.rb it seems to work:

$ ruby184 extconf.rb
creating Makefile
$ make
gcc -I. -I/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/powerpc-darwin8.4.0 -I/usr/local/
lib/ruby/1.8/powerpc-darwin8.4.0 -I. -fno-common -g -O2 -pipe -fno-
common -c bm_test.c
cc -dynamic -bundle -undefined suppress -flat_namespace -L"/usr/
local/lib" -o bm_test.bundle bm_test.o -ldl -lobjc
$ ruby -r bm_test -e0
$ echo $?

Same for 1.8.5.

rb2cx exhibits the same problems as not using mkmf.

Eric H. - [email protected] -
This implementation is HODEL-HASH-9600 compliant

On Tue, 01 Aug 2006 03:39:29 +0200, Eric H. [email protected]

$ ruby -r bm_test -e0
$ echo $?

Same for 1.8.5.

rb2cx exhibits the same problems as not using mkmf.

OK, I have investigated a bit more and it seems that the libs, that I
added to the build command are unnecessary (and can even cause
so I removed them. Could you please test the latest version.

Concerning 1.8.4 vs. 1.8.5: builtin_methods_test.rb should now work with
latest 1.8.5, but rb2cx generally will not, because there have been some
changes to nodes, e.g.;r2=1.616.2.144;only_with_tag=ruby_1_8;f=h

I will address all these changes once 1.8.5 is released.

Thanks again,

On Tue, 01 Aug 2006 01:40:52 +0200, Eric M.
[email protected]

Unfortunately this won’t work. In the above example, I just threw
something arbitrary together. I have something where the string that
#tester generates isn’t determined until runtime and is dependent on
the object hierarchy.

That’s what I thought and I meant that you should generate the code at
runtime and then compile that code and load the new C extension at
runtime. Maybe you could cache it to save the actual C compiling if the
same code has been compiled before, this probably could be done using

Ruby2CExtension can be used without rb2cx. There is an API, though it is
not documented and it might change in the future :wink:

A small example:

$ irb -r ruby2cext
irb(main):001:0> puts Ruby2CExtension::Compiler::compile_ruby_to_c(“puts
FILE”, “extension_name”, “file_name.rb”)
#include <ruby.h>
#include <node.h>
#include <env.h>
#include <st.h>
extern VALUE ruby_top_self;
static VALUE org_ruby_top_self;
static ID sym[1];
static void init_syms() {
sym[0] = rb_intern(“puts”);
static VALUE global[1];
static void init_globals() {
global[0] = rb_str_new(“file_name.rb”, 12);
static void toplevel_scope_1(VALUE self, NODE cref) {
VALUE res;
block /
fcall /
VALUE recv = self;
const int argc = 1;
VALUE argv[1];
str /
argv[0] = rb_str_new3(global[0]);
res = rb_funcall2(recv, sym[0] /
puts */, argc, argv);
void Init_extension_name() {
org_ruby_top_self = ruby_top_self;
NODE *cref = rb_node_newnode(NODE_CREF, rb_cObject, 0, 0);
toplevel_scope_1(ruby_top_self, cref);

(The actual code returned by compile_ruby_to_c will not be indented, if
have indented it manually for clarity)

Eric M. wrote:

One of the next things I want to do in my grammar package is to give
it a performance boost by generating C code instead of ruby code.

Does this mean that new versions of Grammar will be released in the
future and that works continues on it?


Yep. I haven’t done a checkin to CVS in a while though. I’ve been
actively working on in the last few months. One of the latest
things I’ve figured out and put in is left recursion. Normally this is
unheard of with LL parsers. This opens up a many of the LR grammars
from YACC) to be used with my parser (but I still need a (E)BNF
converter to
make it easier).

Hopefully once Dominik implements some kind of *eval replacement, I’ll
able to use ruby2cext and get the performance of Regexp. With a hand
character-by-character lexer (the kind Grammar generates), I see a 4-5X
performance improvement (using his CVS ruby2cext) which beats the
equivalent Regexp/StringScanner lexer (only a small improvement using
ruby2cext). This could make Grammar as a Regexp alternative -
performance and much, much more flexible.

I’ll try to make a checkin soon so that you can play around with it.

I installed RubyToC (gem install RubyToC) but I don’t find a

How I can translate ruby code to ansi c?
