Converting a number to a date

My XML request returned a date field as a “string” with the value of
Does Ruby have a function to turn this into a date?

Thank you!


Hunter W. [email protected] writes:

My XML request returned a date field as a “string” with the value of
Does Ruby have a function to turn this into a date?

% ruby -e ‘p“1158364800000”.to_i / 1000.0).utc’
Sat, Sep 16 2006 00:00:00 +0000

WATANABE Hirofumi wrote:


Hunter W. [email protected] writes:

My XML request returned a date field as a “string” with the value of
Does Ruby have a function to turn this into a date?

% ruby -e ‘p“1158364800000”.to_i / 1000.0).utc’
Sat, Sep 16 2006 00:00:00 +0000

This helps a lot. Thank you!

Now we’ll see if I can do some math with it.

On Friday, September 22, 2006, at 12:13 PM, Hunter W. wrote:

My XML request returned a date field as a “string” with the value of
Does Ruby have a function to turn this into a date?

Thank you!

Posted via

You can, if you have any idea how that date is being encoded. It
doesn’t seem like a timestamp, and it’s not the format a Date or
DateTime object uses.


Kevin O. wrote:

On Friday, September 22, 2006, at 12:13 PM, Hunter W. wrote:

My XML request returned a date field as a “string” with the value of
Does Ruby have a function to turn this into a date?

Thank you!

Posted via

You can, if you have any idea how that date is being encoded. It
doesn’t seem like a timestamp, and it’s not the format a Date or
DateTime object uses.


What format do I need for the Date or DateTime object?

On Friday, September 22, 2006, at 11:43 PM, Hunter W. wrote:

Posted via

There are a number of ways to parse dates and times. The most basic
would be to use a unix timestamp (integer) and then just use the function.

you can also use ParseDate, or DateTime.parse, or the Chronic gem.

I guess my real question is:
What does “1158364800000” represent? It is unlike any time format I’ve
