New to Ruby and looking for some help.
I would like to prompt the user for input String of single [0 - 9 incl]
digits e.g 57
and convert these to word format and store as a single string e.g
What way is best to go about doing this.
Should I create a hash of {1 => “one”…} and then iterate through the
input, swapping digits that match a key with the key’s value.
Thanks a lot
On Jan 5, 2009, at 14:43 , Gary C.topher wrote:
Should I create a hash of {1 => “one”…} and then iterate through
input, swapping digits that match a key with the key’s value.
yes but… gsub is much easier
=> {“1”=>“one”}
111.to_s.gsub(/\d/) { |n| numbers[n] }
=> “oneoneone”
I’d rather use an array than a hash in this case:
numbers = %w(zero one two three four five six seven eight nine)
=> [“zero”, “one”, “two”, “three”, “four”, “five”, “six”, “seven”,
“eight”, “nine”]
2009.to_s.gsub(/\d/) { |n| numbers[n.to_i] }
=> “twozerozeronine”
Lars H.
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