Is there any handy (or standard) method to convert a Ruby string
“350000” or number 350000 to a US currency format such as: $350,000.00
or just $350,000 (without cents)? Thanks in advance.
Jinho L. wrote:
Is there any handy (or standard) method to convert a Ruby string
“350000” or number 350000 to a US currency format such as: $350,000.00
or just $350,000 (without cents)? Thanks in advance.
Look at Currency::Parser, this seems like what you want.
Phillip “CynicalRyan” Gawlowski
Rule of Open-Source Programming #20:
Open Code != Good Code
Phillip G. wrote:
Look at Currency::Parser, this seems like what you want.
d’oh, Currency::Formatter is probably what you want, and not
Phillip “CynicalRyan” Gawlowski
Rule of Open-Source Programming #4:
If you don’t work on your project, chances are that no one will.
On Apr 5, 1:01 pm, Jinho L. [email protected] wrote:
Is there any handy (or standard) method to convert a Ruby string
“350000” or number 350000 to a US currency format such as: $350,000.00
or just $350,000 (without cents)? Thanks in advance.
This is included in the ActionView library, that is also part of