Hi folks,
I’m going to writing a short blog entry for the O’Reilly blog about
ruby conventions for project layout. I think this is relatively
valuable, as it greatly simplifies the ability to audit projects and
possibly contribute to them.
(I’ve been researching a lot of different projects for various
things in Ruport lately)
I think I pretty much follow good practices when it comes to my
project organization, but I’d like to hear what people think and also
if they have anything to add.
Here are a few of the things I think are relevant:
== Structure ==
bin/ : any scripts or executables
lib/ : source files.
Ruport::Data::Table is in
alternatively, the class could be included in any file lower down the
(e.g. lib/ruport.rb or lib/ruport/data.rb)
ext/ : C sources for extensions
doc/: documentation
test/: All tests and test data. Tests should begin with
test_class_name, however an older convention is tc_class_name with
ts_all.rb loading all your tests.
main directory:
Rakefile, main documentation files such as README
== Library requires ==
Do these in the correct logical places, so if you hav
Then ruport.rb should include:
require “ruport/data”
and data.rb should include:
require “ruport/data/table”
require “ruport/data/record”
There are of course exceptions to this…
== Tests ==
One test per method, ideally, mapping method name to test.
Additional tests for bug reports, edge cases, etc.
( I usually use a name like test_ensure_table_append_accepts_arrays)
or some really long name describing the problem I’m checking for
== Organization of methods in source / tests ==
This i’m not sure about. Some people do alphabetical, some do
alphabetical by concept, some do just concept, some no organization.
I think that it is helpful when the tests follow in the same order of
the source, though.
What do people think about this.
== Other things? ==
I am aiming for something short and simple. I don’t want to overwhelm
people with a ton of rules to follow, but a few basic conventions for
those who haven’t really looked into other projects yet would be
helpful for all of us, I think.
However, if anyone thinks they’ve got some really important tips to
share, let me know.