Hi all,
I have two tables: tbl1 and tbl2. Both tables tracks ‘stocks’ that
have been sent and those that have been retrieved for a particular
date. information is stored in a database explained below
tbl1 has fiels id, name, stock, date_retrv (retrv = retrieved),
totl_retrv (totl=total)
tbl2 has fields id, name, stock, date_sent, totl_sent
I want to format an inventory detail to show like this.
Date (Common Date,Literally) | Initial Stock | Retrieved | Sent |
Remaining Cards
2008-08-08 | 0 |
10 |5 | 20
2008-08-08 | 20 |
15 |10 | 25
Remaining = (Initial Stock + Retrieved) - Sent
So now my problem is to be able to use my controller and view to get
this information formatted like the above table into a view page.
Any Suggestions.
Yung-Rick :-)