I understand that controller’s are basically the link between views and
models. However, I’m a little confused as to how a controller should be
structured beyond CRUD functionality.
Here’s a use case:
During the creation of a new object the user will be asked to input a
parameter. The parameter will be used to perform a search to help ensure
the object doesn’t already exist in the system before continuing.
I’m not sure where that search procedure should be located. I could put
it in middleware controller but I’m not sure if that’s the most
appropriate place.
Do any of you more seasoned Rails developers have any insight?
On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 9:30 PM, Anthony S.
[email protected]wrote:
I’m not sure where that search procedure should be located. I could put it
in middleware controller but I’m not sure if that’s the most appropriate
Do any of you more seasoned Rails developers have any insight?
Does this parameter entry occur along with the object parameters? As in,
the “new” page? It sounds like the search is part of the object
i.e. in the create action, to me. If it fails, redirect back to the new
just like a failed save would.
Adam S.
What you have is a problem of validation, so creation is like this, you
a form in the view , pass the info/paremeters to the controller and the
controller will try to save the information, when it passes the object
the model for saving validation will kick in, as validation is a
responsibility of the model , so you will have something like this in
model, validates_uniqueness_of :whatever and you can even scope that
uniqueness adding :scope => city so the model will check that there is
one whatever per city. the model will scream to the action and the
will show the error is you have a error_message_for helper in the view.
Here’s the logic:
A user will navigate to the “new” page
A user will be presented with an input box
The user enters a value
A search will be performed using AJAX
If a search comes up with nothing a transition will occur providing the
user the ability to enter the rest of the information
It’s logically separate from actually creating the object.
oh i see, you want to check if a value was used? ok , you will have to
a custom restful action, for the search, then catch the click event , i
recomend using jquery and respond with a template that has js.erb
to excute the code is quite simple maybe sustitude a partial or
That’s not what I’m quite trying to accomplish.
This might help:
If a user wants to create a Book in the system I would first ask them to
perform a search on the title as part of the process to create a Book so
the user can verify uniqueness. Now, there can be multiple different
books with the same title. I just want the user to make sure that the
exact same book does not exist before creating a duplicate.
Hopefully that makes more sense.
On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 10:05 PM, Anthony S.
[email protected]wrote:
It’s logically separate from actually creating the object.
Ah, I see now. That would certainly be a separate action, then.
Depending on
how your search is structured, it may be something like
Assuming the first, you’d define your action
yea just saw it ,
put a button with a link to the search action put and id in it then with
$(function() {
$("#the_button").live(“click”, function() {
$.get(this.href, null, null, “script”);
return false;
make a js.erb file with
window.location = <%= you_fail_path %>
of coure in your search action you should to
respond_to do |format|
if Book.find(params[:search])
why there is a title model ? there is no need to , the title is a field
the books table, and you only need to add a new action to the
BooksController (plural for controllers), to make the new action restful
this next to the map.resources :book , :member => {:make_up_a_name =>
then do rake routes and checkout the new restful route you have. It even
a helper method which you can use as the href for the button that
the ajax, the method is make_up_a_name_book_path in this example.
Ah, that will help with what I need to do next.
However, let’s continue with my Book analogy:
Here’s a sample of an object model:
Book (ActiveModel)
Title (ActiveModel)
Now, the user will be performing a search on the Title. However, this is
to help facilitate the creation of a Book which contains a Title. Should
the search logic be performed in the BookController, TitleController,
TitleSearchController or something else?
I’m just trying to figure out the best way to structure a controller for
this type of situation.
Thanks for your help and patience!
with plural for controllers i meant that you wrote BookController and
BooksController model names go plural in the controllers
On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 10:36 PM, radhames brito [email protected]
why there is a title model ? there is no need to , the title is a field of
the books table, and you only need to add a new action to the
BooksController (plural for controllers), to make the new action restful add
this next to the map.resources :book , :member => {:make_up_a_name => :post}
then do rake routes and checkout the new restful route you have. It even
has a helper method which you can use as the href for the button that
triggers the ajax, the method is make_up_a_name_book_path in this example.
Why would it be a member action? If he’s searching for a book, he
know yet what book he wants - it would be a collection action. I would
expect it to be a GET, not a POST, since he’s retrieving search results,
creating anything.
GET /books/search?title=
Adam S.
:get member action create singular methods and return one object
:get collection actions create plural methods and return and array of
Let’s suppose a Book can have multiple Title’s based on language. So
there can be an english title and a Spanish title for a single book. So
the object model would look more like this:
Book (ActiveModel)
Titles (array of ActiveModels)
Solr will be used for search.
Logically, where should the search action be placed? A model/view
doesn’t always have a 1-to-1 relationship. So putting a search action in
the BooksController doesn’t seem logical to me. I guess I don’t
completely understand the controller’s relationship between the
model/controller. Does a controller lean more towards a view or model?
If it has more of a bias towards a view then it seems like a
TitlesSearchController makes more sense. If it’s more model based, then
a TitlesController with a search action would make more sense.
true is a :get not a :post( typo maybe i was thinking :get but wrote
:post), but it is a member action because only one name will be
note that he is checking if the is more than one book with that name if
is the case he will not allow the creation so there should never be more
than one and the action will only return one record
On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 10:49 PM, radhames brito [email protected]
true is a :get not a :post( typo maybe i was thinking :get but wrote
:post), but it is a member action because only one name will be returned,
note that he is checking if the is more than one book with that name if that
is the case he will not allow the creation so there should never be more
than one and the action will only return one record
A member action acts on a single member. How can you act on an unknown
resources :titles do
member do
get :search
would create a URL like:
What would you suggest putting as the ID?
Instead, this is acting upon the /titles collection of resources,
for something that exists within it. As such, the URL would be:
Adam S.
On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 10:55 PM, Anthony S.
[email protected]wrote:
Logically, where should the search action be placed? A model/view doesn’t
always have a 1-to-1 relationship. So putting a search action in the
BooksController doesn’t seem logical to me. I guess I don’t completely
understand the controller’s relationship between the model/controller. Does
a controller lean more towards a view or model? If it has more of a bias
towards a view then it seems like a TitlesSearchController makes more sense.
If it’s more model based, then a TitlesController with a search action would
make more sense.
A RESTful controller is based around a resource. In this case, you’re
searching a resource to see if it has a record matching your query, so
makes sense to me to put it in /titles/search.
Adam S.
Okay, I think I’m getting caught up on the resources. I’ll look more
into that for the time being.
Thanks a lot for you help!
yes is true, i missed that , i think i didnt think ahead, well where i
is pass midnight so that may be it , i think im going to sleep