Controller plugin?

Do I understand correctly that you can’t write controller plugins?

Of course “can’t” is a big word, what I’m really wondering is what the
major stumbling blocks to doing so are?

Am I missing something or wouldn’t this be extremely useful?


I was reading this article:

to quote:

“Controllers: You can’t directly write a controller plugin, but you
can write a generator that copies a controller to your app/controllers
directory. Intermediate difficulty.”



On 10/16/07, tmac [email protected] wrote:

Do I understand correctly that you can’t write controller plugins?

Of course “can’t” is a big word, what I’m really wondering is what the
major stumbling blocks to doing so are?

Am I missing something or wouldn’t this be extremely useful?

rails controller plugin

got me here
in short order.

Plugins are just code.

Rick DeNatale

My blog on Ruby

I think that’s pretty much the answer I was hoping for Jason! So the
article is wrong and yes you can write controller plugins… thought
that was odd!

I have a site/project where I use a controller base class that handles
all the standard REST methods (new, show, edit, etc…) in a fairly
generic way. It would certainly take some work but I thought it might
be nice to share it as a plugin… at least for my own projects, and
others if there is any interest.

I have looked a bit but haven’t seen anything like it. Is there a
plugin that already does something similar?

Thanks a ton Jason!

Hi Tim

Have you taken a lookat activescaffold ?
Imanot sure towhat extentisit RESTful…

Outside of me being unable to really understand what “controller plugin”
means in the quote, the article is from over a year ago.

If you’re trying to add macros or what not to controllers, you simply

ActionController::Base.send(:include, MyModuleOfMethods)

in your plugin/init.rb

What are you trying to do tmac?


On 16 Oct 2007, at 20:46, tmac wrote:

I think that’s pretty much the answer I was hoping for Jason! So the
article is wrong and yes you can write controller plugins… thought
that was odd!

Yes and no. What the article is saying is that you can’t have
foo_controller in your plugin, install your plugin and then try to
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I think that there is stuff afoot so that you can specify the paths
searched for views & controllers, but out of the box it won’t work.
What you can of course do is a generator, provide modules for
controllers or extend ActionController with macros and so on.


Thanks for setting me down the right path here guys… It appears to
be relatively straight forward.

CHH - I’m only vaguely familiar with activescaffold … I was really
trying to avoid a generator … unless I’m misunderstanding they
typically generate a lot of very similar code over and over … this
is for more than just admin stuff too:-)

I really just want to be able to inherit functionality into my


On 10/17/07, Frederick C. [email protected] wrote:

foo_controller in your plugin, install your plugin and then try to
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I think that there is stuff afoot so that you can specify the paths
searched for views & controllers, but out of the box it won’t work.
What you can of course do is a generator, provide modules for
controllers or extend ActionController with macros and so on.

Hmmm, looks like you already can. Try adding your load paths to:

  • MyController.template_root
  • ActionController::Routing.controller_paths
  • Dependencies.load_paths


$ cat vendor/plugins/test_plugin/init.rb
config.after_initialize do
path = File.expand_path(‘app/controllers’, File.dirname(FILE))
ActionController::Routing.controller_paths << path
Dependencies.load_paths << path

$ cat
class TestPluginController < ApplicationController
self.template_root = File.expand_path(‘…/views’,
def test

$ cat vendor/plugins/test_plugin/app/views/test_plugin/test.rhtml

$ script/console
Loading development environment.

app.get(‘/test_plugin/test’); puts app.response.body
=> nil