Content type is not included in the list

Hi ,
i am uploading files using attachment_fu ,i can upload files with
extension .txt, .xls, .doc but when i am going to upload .pdf extension
file i gives

Validation failed: Content type is not included in the list


My model file code is here .

class Model< ActiveRecord::Base

has_attachment :content_type =>[‘application/pdf’,‘application
:storage => :file_system,
:size => 0.kilobytes…10000.kilobytes

Is there any issue for attachment_fu or anything else ?

On Jun 9, 6:18 pm, Dharmdip R. [email protected]

Hi ,
i am uploading files using attachment_fu ,i can upload files with
extension .txt, .xls, .doc but when i am going to upload .pdf extension
file i gives

Validation failed: Content type is not included in the list

What is the content type that is getting submitted ?


:content_type =>[‘application/pdf’]