Content-type after proxy_pass

In servicing a request for: /foo.jpg which actually lives out in a
mogilefs backend as /00/00/01.fid or something like that.

I’ve configured nginx to peform
proxy_pass → fastcgi_pass → python app → X-Accel-Redirect →

the first proxy_pass that receives the request for /foo.jpg has
proxy_hide_header Content-Type so as to not pick up the mime-type for
*.fid from the backend.

I was hoping that the nginx instance closest to the client would
remember that foo.jpg was requested and assign content-type
appropriately, but content-type remains unset.

I see mention of something that could help in this thread:
location /combined.css {
proxy_pass …
override_type ;

but alas, override_type seems to be not available as of: nginx-0.7.65

Is there another method I could use to set content-type?

Posted at Nginx Forum:

I am having a similar problem, advice appreciated. Thanks

Posted at Nginx Forum:

I’m having the same issue. Anyone find a solution? Thanks.

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