i am interested in learning if it is possible to use gnuradio to
a similar application to how tagpay works, here are some details
any advise much appreciated.
i am interested in learning if it is possible to use gnuradio to
a similar application to how tagpay works, here are some details
any advise much appreciated.
On Sat, Sep 1, 2012 at 5:40 PM, Norman K. [email protected] wrote:
i am interested in learning if it is possible to use gnuradio to implement a
similar application to how tagpay works, here are some details
http://www.tagattitude.fr/en/products/technologyany advise much appreciated.
From a signal processing standpoint, sure, GNU Radio should work with
the basic idea. The issue you face is how to get the information into
and out of GNU Radio to the external world. You might be able to use
the audio I/O, but my guess is that you’ll need some more specialized
equipment. Of course, I say this after a 1 minute look at that
website, so I’m sure there are subtleties that I’m missing.
On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 10:51 AM, Norman K. [email protected] wrote:
hi, i can get the information into and out of GNU radio using tropo
https://www.tropo.com/how-it-works/ type application i guess!but was interested to see working examples of how to work with the data once
it has been received, for example, if i have a python script which creates a
dictionary or a key:value object this then generates a unique signal then to
be able to process this signal and read the key:value object.
Well, we’re really just interested in getting data in and out of a
communication application. Once you have the data, it’s a bit outside
of our box. You might find some useful applications over at cgran.org
that use GNU Radio with other data sources/sinks for inspiration.
is my understanding correct of the process and are there any security issues
with this?thanks
And yes, I’m sure there are security issues. Aren’t there always
hi, i can get the information into and out of GNU radio using tropo
https://www.tropo.com/how-it-works/ type application i guess!
but was interested to see working examples of how to work with the data
once it has been received, for example, if i have a python script which
creates a dictionary or a key:value object this then generates a unique
signal then to be able to process this signal and read the key:value
is my understanding correct of the process and are there any security
issues with this?
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