I had a very odd problem recently that manifested itself like this…
C:\rails_apps\cookbook>ruby script/console
Loading development environment.
require__': no such file to load -- ./script/../config/ ../config/environment (LoadError) from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/ custom_require.rb:21:in
from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/init.rb:252:in load_modules' from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/init.rb:250:in
from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/init.rb:21:in setup' from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:54:in
from c:/ruby/bin/irb.bat:20
After pulling out what was left of my hair and doing some code
spelunking, I eventually tracked down my problem. It was, of course,
A while back I discovered that the windows ‘cmd.exe’ program checks the
registry for an ‘autorun’ key and then executes immediately. Being
lazy, I had set up mine to do a ‘cd c:’ whenever I ran the command
It turns out that this also gets run before every batch file. So this
breaks all scripts that expect to start in a particular directory, I
just never noticed it before because this wasn’t my main development
Deleting the key fixes the problem and restores the console (and other
There. Now the only other person in the world who will do this can find
the solution. I feel better now.