when the “Agile Web D.” book talks about routes, there are what
looks like console transcripts like the following:
URL> store
@params = {:controller => ‘store’, :action = ‘index’}
Is there something like a console for testing routes (where you could
put in a url and see how rails would route it)??
I’m pretty sure that dave just created that for demonstration purposes
but the latest rails as the app object in the console which you can
use for this:
app.url_for :controller => ‘store’, :action => ‘index’
=> “http://www.example.com/store”
app.host! ‘www.snowdevil.ca’
=> “www.snowdevil.ca”
app.url_for :controller => ‘store’, :action => ‘index’
=> “http://www.snowdevil.ca/store”
On 4/4/06, Ingo W. [email protected] wrote:
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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Is there any way to do that sort of thing from a controller? Giving
some function a path and then getting the params that path would
For example, passing this to some function:
and getting back
[:controller => “store”, :action => “edit”, :id => “1”]
or whatever the appropriate params for the route are.
– Michael D.
ruby script/console
Loading development environment.
app.get >> app.get ‘/’
=> 200
=> {“action”=>“index”, “controller”=>“shop”}
On 4/4/06, Michael D. [email protected] wrote:
when the “Agile Web D.” book talks about routes, there are
Rails mailing list
[email protected]
http://shopify.com - modern e-commerce software
http://typo.leetsoft.com - Open source weblog engine
http://blog.leetsoft.com - Technical weblog
I’ve seen that, which is good, but I mean from within an action in a
controller or elsewhere, not from the console.
At some point, my application gets lists of URLs, and I want to know
what params their paths produce.
(Plus, oops! Those should have been curly braces.)
– Michael D.
On Apr 4, 2006, at 12:00 PM, Tobias Lütke wrote:
Michael D. wrote:
I’ve seen that, which is good, but I mean from within an action in a
controller or elsewhere, not from the console.
At some point, my application gets lists of URLs, and I want to know
what params their paths produce.
This might help: