Connecting via ssh to hostgator's ruby server

Hi all

instructions on how to connect to hostgator’s ssh are given here as someone who has
never used ssh before i dont find those instructions explicit enough.
It just says i need to “connect” to the server not how or through what?
I’m a mac user so i gather that i need to use terminal but thats as far
i know.

they emailed me saying:

" Hi,
jailshell is now enabled on ‘mysite’ / 'myusernam’e. Please be aware
that you will have to connect to port 2222, as port 22 is disabled for
security reasons. "

they also said no-one there was familiar with connecting to the server
via a mac!

so through terminal what would i need to type to make the connection?

On Mon, Jan 22, 2007 at 07:35:06PM +0900, libsfan01 wrote:

This isn’t really a ruby question, but in the interests of being nice,
open up Terminal (it can be found in /Applications/Utilities) and enter

man ssh

This should set you on the right path.

This isn’t really a Rails question, but I’ll answer it anyhow. :slight_smile:

In terminal type: ssh [email protected]:2222

It may be (space)2222 or -p 2222 rather than :2222; I can’t remember
(I’m on my work machine that’s windows). It should ask for your
password; input that and you should be good to go.


On 1/22/07, libsfan01 [email protected] wrote:

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