From the doc about the syntax : inject {| memo, obj | block } -> obj
:: If you specify a block, then for each element in enum the block is
passed an accumulator value (memo) and the element
[1, 2, 3, 4].inject() { |result, element| p “executing” ; p “#{result} =>
#{element}” ; result + element }
“1 => 2”
“3 => 3”
“6 => 4”
=> 10
Now while the above is understood very well. below is a bit confusing
Again from the Doc
inject(sym) -> obj
:: If you specify a symbol instead, then each element in the collection
will be passed to the named method of memo.
=> 10
Couldn’t understand the line within **. With symbol only -
(a)How inject is performing the binary operation + ?
(b) How does inject
pass the value of enum and
© Where the operation is being performed to the produce final result