Confusion with Array#map

Hi could anyone help me how does the below concept helped to produce the

%w{ david black }.map(&:capitalize)
#=> [“David”, “Black”]

map iterates through the given array and collects the results with a
block executed on them, in this case interpreting the argument symbol
:capitalize into a proc { |s| s.capitalize }

Joel P. wrote in post #1103136:

map iterates through the given array and collects the results with a
block executed on them, in this case interpreting the argument symbol
:capitalize into a proc { |s| s.capitalize }

How proc object is getting called by call to produce the output? Who
is calling that?

On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 1:37 PM, Love U Ruby [email protected]

Joel P. wrote in post #1103136:

map iterates through the given array and collects the results with a
block executed on them, in this case interpreting the argument symbol
:capitalize into a proc { |s| s.capitalize }

How proc object is getting called by call to produce the output? Who
is calling that?

The operator “&” is the block operator, which is turning the symbol
:capitalize which refers to the method capitalize in that context.
Since at that point, map is sending in strings, it says to call the
capitalize method on that string.

The below code giving empty array.

#=> []

But why does the code below giving nil value?

#=> nil

[start, size]

Think about the size -1 -

What exactly would an array with -1 members look like?

What would an array with 0 members look like?


On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 7:41 PM, tamouse mailing lists
[email protected] wrote:

On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 1:37 PM, Love U Ruby [email protected] wrote:

How proc object is getting called by call to produce the output? Who
is calling that?

The operator “&” is the block operator, which is turning the symbol
:capitalize which refers to the method capitalize in that context.
Since at that point, map is sending in strings, it says to call the
capitalize method on that string.

The crucial bit here is that Symbol#to_proc exists. Actually anything
can be used in that way:

irb(main):001:0> o =
=> #Object:0x802bdf10
irb(main):002:0> def o.to_proc; lambda {|x| “<#{x.inspect}>”}
irb(main):003:1> end
=> nil
irb(main):004:0> (1…5).map(&o)
=> [“<1>”, “<2>”, “<3>”, “<4>”, “<5>”]

