Confused about Ruby database interfaces available on rubyfor


I am trying use Ruby to access to our Oracle database on our windows XP
and Linux machines.
I also prefer to use DBI interface.

I have downloaded dbi-0.1.0.tar.gz from this location:

dbi-0.1.0.tar.gz doesnâ??t have the OCI8 dbd driver and the installer
doesnâ??t work. I struggled and finally managed to copy files manually and
make ODBC and ADO DBDs work on windows only.

I cannot introduce this to my client as a multiplatform scripting
solution for accessing to our database! It is a mess!!!

From the other side, there is Ruby/OCI8 available here:
Is this something than I can combine with DBI to have the DBD::OCI8?

I apologize if I sound a little bit frustrated. I am looking for a
reliable Ruby database access solution. I have posted question here (see
ODBC Database Connectivity - Ruby - Ruby-Forum) and it seems people using
DBI just fine. I donâ??t know how come I cannot find right package to
download and use!!!

Any help would be appreciated,

On 5/20/06, Alan [email protected] wrote:

From the other side, there is Ruby/OCI8 available here:
Is this something than I can combine with DBI to have the DBD::OCI8?

Yes. In order to get Ruby’s DBI to work with Oracle, you need to
install both Ruby-DBI and Kubo-san’s Ruby-OCI8 module (which includes
the DBD driver). Note that you’ll probably also need at the very least
the Oracle Instant Client [1] in order to build the OCI8 module.

I apologize if I sound a little bit frustrated. I am looking for a
reliable Ruby database access solution. I have posted question here (see
ODBC Database Connectivity - Ruby - Ruby-Forum) and it seems people using
DBI just fine. I don’t know how come I cannot find right package to
download and use!!!

Don’t panic… I think this just ought to be better documented.

So the steps are:

  1. Download the Instant Client libraries and install them properly
    with the correct values for the ORACLE_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    environment variables set. Best to put these in your system
    /etc/profile; if these variables aren’t properly set, no program using
    the instant client libraries will function correctly (this is not a
    Ruby issue, but an Oracle issue)
  2. Download and install Ruby-DBI
  3. Download and install the Ruby-OCI8 package.

Since I have almost never programmed Ruby on Windows, and have never
written a Windows program to access an Oracle database, I’m sorry I
can’t help on that end.
