Hi all,
I have this rails website that works fine, but I wanted to experiment
with jQuery a little so I added all the necessary file to my JavaScript
folder and, well, all hell broke lose in that adding jQuery causes
Scriptaculous/Prototype not to work while jQuery works kinda-fine. Doing
a search on Google and even here, the overwhelming majority of people
suggested the solution of using jQuery.noConflict(); to relinquish
control of the $ variable back to Prototype. However, after struggling
with this for almost a full day I can say with 100% certainty that this
is not the cause of my problem.
I also tried:
(function($) {
with no luck. I get no JavaScript errors, but what I do get is a line
under my text_boxes, which use auto_complete, which usually only happens
when I have multiple tags with the same id on the same page, but I know
for a fact that is not the problem here.
So I am really at a loss, just wondering if anybody has had this same
issue and how did they fix it? I’m using Rails 2.3.4 and jQuery 1.5.2.