Conflicting libraries: jQuery.js & accordion.js

I have a library conflict between jQuery.js & accordion.js

The first line of accordion.js is

$(document).ready(function() {

Firebug displays
$(document).ready is not a function

I have read Avoiding Conflicts with Other Libraries | jQuery Learning Center.
This link is an explanation of how to resolve the conflict.

To that end I have in a partial haml file

(function($) {
= javascript_include_tag ‘accordion.js’

The rendered output is
(function($) {


but I am still getting the
$(document).ready is not a function
error message.

Is what I am trying to do even legal?

On Fri, 2011-12-30 at 12:21 -0700, Ralph S. wrote:

Is what I am trying to do even legal?

sounds as if you tinkered with application.js or removed the reference
to it completely and thus jquery isn’t loaded at all.


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Friday, December 30, 2011, 7:09:08 PM, you wrote:

CW> On Fri, 2011-12-30 at 12:21 -0700, Ralph S. wrote:

Is what I am trying to do even legal?
CW> ----
CW> sounds as if you tinkered with application.js or removed the
CW> to it completely and thus jquery isn’t loaded at all.


I modified accordion.js by wrapping it in
(function($) { … })(jQuery);

And everything works.

If I don’t do it, the text
(function($) {
ends up being displayed on the webpage as the 1st two lines. I didn’t
see it before.

Put = javascript_include_tag 'accordion.js' outside your jquery

= javascript_include_tag ‘accordion’
(function($) {
// jquery listeners here


This is over my head.

a) What does the :javascript do? Where is it documented?

b) What’s a jquery listener? I have googled “jQuery listener” and a lot
of stuff comes up. I need an introduction/overview.

Speaking of which, is there a good introduction to javascript for
programmers? Same for jQuery.



Friday, December 30, 2011, 3:14:35 PM, you wrote:

ZS> Put = javascript_include_tag 'accordion.js' outside your jquery

ZS> _my_partial.haml
ZS> = javascript_include_tag ‘accordion’
ZS> :javascript
ZS> (function($) {
ZS> // jquery listeners here
ZS> })(jQuery);

ZS> On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 2:21 PM, Ralph S. [email protected]

Is what I am trying to do even legal?

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Best regards,
Ralph mailto:[email protected]

a. It’s a filter, haml allows those. Docs here.

b. Sounds like you don’t know the basics of jQuery. By jquery listeners,
ZS means the functions which listen to the DOM for any events, and
handle them accordingly. Simply put, it’s the document.ready where you
define your event handlers, or “jquery code” if you prefer.


Dheeraj K.