John-Scott wrote:
Can you be more specific about your MySQL setup? Does your question
pertain to configuring rails to talk to MySQL database (the settings in
‘database.yml’.) or are you talking about how to get rails to use
lagacy tables that following a naming scheme different than rails
assumes? I haven’t yet deployed rails with apache…have been doing all
my testing with webrick, I’m just not at that point yet.
Not quite sure what kind of answer I’m looking for.
When I start my machine up, I see mysqld-nt-exe process running and an
apache.exe process running.
I try to start InstantRails and receive a message box indicating:
MySQL port (3306) is used by “” (mysqld-nt.exe) !
I know that in order for me to use the sample application that comes
with InstantRails (the recipe one), I can’t have these processes
running, but after InstantRails starts up, there are two (2) apache.exe
processes running and one mysqld.exe process running.
I’m probably going to have to dig into the Apache config file for more
I’ve gotten the sample app to work but if I stop InstantRails and then
start again, I receive a bunch of error message boxes (described below)
and then finally IR starts up.
Unknown(): (null) Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20050922, debug=0, thread-safety=1
PHP compiled with module API20020429, debug=0, thread-safety=1
These options need to match
apache.exe - Unable To Locate Componenet
This application has failed to start because DB2CLI.dll was not found.
Re-installating the application may fix this problem.
Unknown(): Unable to load dynamic library ‘C:\Program
Files\Zend\Core for IBM\lib\phpext\php_ibm_db2.dll’ - The specified
module could not be found.
Zend Optimizer for PHP 4.3.x cannot be found (expected at
‘C:\Program Files\Zend\Core for
IBM\lib\zend\optimizer\php-4.3.x\ZendOptimizer.dll’) - try reinstalling
the Zend Optimizer
----- one more message box (tired of writing out meaningless
Each of the above messages appear three times in the above sequence.
I’d like to get to the point where I have instant rails using my
typically and previously started processes for apache and mysql.
Actually, I probably need the “complete idiots guide to ruby” for a
absolutely zero level introduction and start there.