Configuration management tool

Hello all.

I wanted to use Puppy to maintain configuration for some Windows
but apparently the port is not mature yet for Win32.

So, I’m thinking of implementing it myself. My needs are simple:

  • copy files over
  • restart IIS/services
  • edit XML files (add/remove keys)
  • register assemblies in the GAC

So, it’s kinda like Windows’ System Restore functionality, in spirit.

My question is: does someone know of something that can do this for
Windows? And if not, is there a way to register assemblies in the GAC
IronRuby, or do I have to encapsulate gacutil in a system call? (same
services, too).

Thanks for any feedback in advance!

On Wed, 25 Aug 2010 13:04:32 +0200, Bruno A [email protected]
wrote in 1gdpv81v6wm0c$.16njt4o30mdzd$removed_email_address@domain.invalid:

[snip configuration management util for Windows hosts]

My question is: does someone know of something that can do this for

Not off the top of my head, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t

And if not, is there a way to register assemblies in the GAC with

This thread on Stackoverflow shows how to do it programmatically using
the IComSoapPublisher.GacInstall method: You
should be able to call that from IronRuby.