Configuration Inquiry

I’ve been racking my brain on configurations of Ruby, Rails, and
Streamlined or Active Scaffold.

It always seems that upon starting my web server, I receive error
messages which keeps my web server from starting properly.

Would someone be so kind as to explain configurations / setups that
have worked for you?

Ruby Version
Rails Version
Gems Version
Streamlined or Active Scaffold Version

If you also have any tips on how you installed each component, that
would be greatly appreciated.

OS: Windows Vista << Ya … I know. Time to get a Mac … lol
Database: MySQL

This is what I’ve tried:
Ruby Version: 1.8.6
Rails Version: 2.1.0, 2.0.2, and 1.2.3
Streamlined Version: 1.0 RC3 and 1.0 RC1
Active Scaffold Version: 1.1.1

Much thanks in advance.


what’s the error?

Oscar Del ben wrote:

what’s the error?


I re-installed everything, and was able to get Streamlined working

Ruby: 1.8.6
Rails: 2.0.2
Streamlined: Latest version obtained from :

However, with the same configuration, with Active Scaffold, I tried to
obtain the plug-in from:
/script/plugin install

… and I receive the following error message:

NoMethodError in [ModelName]Controller#index

undefined method `active_scaffold’ for [ModelName]Controller:Class

Replace [ModelName] with Books for instance

Thanks again for the reply!


Thanks for the reply!

I’m actually testing both plug-ins to see the flexibility of each.

Thanks again,


I don’t use active scaffold, but are you sure you don’t need to include
in your application?