Configless vhost

I have virtualhost with configuration less feature that works like a

server {
    server_name _;
    set $host_without_www $host;
    if ($host ~* www\.(.*)) {
      set $host_without_www $1;
    root /var/www/$host_without_www/;
    access_log logs/$host_without_www.log;

unfortunately, access_log don´t parses variables, so a file named
is created instead.

There´s any way to keep access logs separated by host, without need to
configure one by one by hand?

i believe variables are parsed at runtime, and someone just in the
last week or two brought up this too… i could be wrong but i believe
the answer is “no”

but it is something that is useful, i would believe, so it should be
added on a wishlist somewhere (i am still wanting to make that tool
and i am working on it slowly)

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 04:26:54AM -0300, Marcos N. wrote:

unfortunately, access_log don?t parses variables, so a file named
is created instead.

There?s any way to keep access logs separated by host, without need to
configure one by one by hand?

The attached patch allows variables in access_log.

It’s a proof-of-concept: for every log operation it opens/creates log,
writes, and then closes. It does not keep open frequently used logs.

It does not try to create log if a response status is 404 and there is
no root for the request.