Config directive inheritance: docs and rules (was: Config variable inheritance)

Hi all -

Problem with inheriting fastcgi params - NGINX - Ruby-Forum seems to contain some
information I’ve not found explicitly stated anywhere else: that
config directive inheritance is an all or nothing mechanism. Have I
missed some docs somewhere?

Following on from this, I’d like to understand if there’s anything I
can reliably determine from a directive’s name about the impact that
defining it will have on other directives’ inheritability.

Can I, for instance, assume that defining an xyx_ prefixed directive in
a sub-scope will affect only the inheritance of other xyz_ prefixed
directives? Or can there be inheritance side-effects between, say,
directive “abc” and “def” that I can’t possibly determine without
documentation or trial and error?

Equally, can I assume that all xyz_ prefixed directives will have
their inheritance affected by the sub-scope definition of any other
xyz_ prefixed directive? Or are there examples where defining
“xyz_foo” does not impact the inheritance of “xyz_bar”?

I’m thinking specifically of proxy_* directives, whereas the thread I
link to above is talking about multiple fastcgi_param directives.
Here, I’m interested in how, say, proxy_set_header affects the
inheritance of higher scope’s proxy_pass directive - i.e. where the
prefix matches but they’re not the same directive. Does nginx (core)
derive or imply anything relating to the name-spacing of directives
before (in my example) the proxy module sees the config, or is it
entirely down to how each module implements the configuration

Many thanks,

Jonathan M.
London, Oxford, UK

On Tue, Apr 03, 2012 at 06:20:13PM +0100, Jonathan M. wrote:

Hi there,

Problem with inheriting fastcgi params - NGINX - Ruby-Forum seems to contain some
information I’ve not found explicitly stated anywhere else: that
config directive inheritance is an all or nothing mechanism. Have I
missed some docs somewhere?

That refers to inheritance of a single directive.

Following on from this, I’d like to understand if there’s anything I
can reliably determine from a directive’s name about the impact that
defining it will have on other directives’ inheritability.

Yes: it will have no impact on other directives.

Can I, for instance, assume that defining an xyx_ prefixed directive in
a sub-scope will affect only the inheritance of other xyz_ prefixed

No. It will affect no other xyz_ prefixed directives.

It may make a difference to the applicability of other directives –
for example, if fastcgi_pass is not set, then it doesn’t really matter
whether fastcgi_param is inherited or not, because it’s not going to be
used. But fastcgi_pass does not affect whether fastcgi_param is

Or can there be inheritance side-effects between, say,
directive “abc” and “def” that I can’t possibly determine without
documentation or trial and error?

No, it will have no impact on other directives.

Equally, can I assume that all xyz_ prefixed directives will have
their inheritance affected by the sub-scope definition of any other
xyz_ prefixed directive?

No: it will have no impact on other directives.

Or are there examples where defining
“xyz_foo” does not impact the inheritance of “xyz_bar”?

Yes: every example.

I’m thinking specifically of proxy_* directives, whereas the thread I
link to above is talking about multiple fastcgi_param directives.

Using a directive sets the value of that directive. It does not set the
value of different directives.

“Not using” a directive means the value of that directive is either
unset/default, or is the same value as the upper level.

Here, I’m interested in how, say, proxy_set_header affects the
inheritance of higher scope’s proxy_pass directive - i.e. where the
prefix matches but they’re not the same directive.

No impact at all.

Does nginx (core)
derive or imply anything relating to the name-spacing of directives
before (in my example) the proxy module sees the config, or is it
entirely down to how each module implements the configuration

It’s entirely down to how each module implements it. But if a module
implements inheritance of a directive as something other than “replace”
or “no inheritance”, then that should probably be considered a bug.


Francis D. [email protected]


On Wed, Apr 04, 2012 at 01:40:40PM +0100, Francis D. wrote:

No. It will affect no other xyz_ prefixed directives.
Not really, there are cases where it will. Examples include (not
sure if there are others):

  1. allow and deny directives of access module create an array of
    allow/deny rules, and this array is inherited as a whole;

  2. recently introduced xslt_param and xslt_string_param do the
    same thing with xslt parameters.

All such cases are more or less obvious though.


Maxim D.

On Wed, Apr 04, 2012 at 05:58:46PM +0400, Maxim D. wrote:

On Wed, Apr 04, 2012 at 01:40:40PM +0100, Francis D. wrote:

On Tue, Apr 03, 2012 at 06:20:13PM +0100, Jonathan M. wrote:

Hi there,

allow/deny rules, and this array is inherited as a whole;

  1. recently introduced xslt_param and xslt_string_param do the
    same thing with xslt parameters.

Ah, thank you for the correction.

For the original poster: I was wrong, you do need to check or test
time. So read “never” and “always” as “almost never” and “almost

Sorry about that.

I’ve done a quick analysis of the 1.1.18 codebase, to see if I can find
the current complete list (excluding 3rd party modules, of course).

The configuration directives are stored in a struct:

struct ngx_command_s {
ngx_str_t name;
ngx_uint_t type;
char *(*set)(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void
ngx_uint_t conf;
ngx_uint_t offset;
void *post;

“name” is the directive name; “*set” is the function to set the value
of the directive, and “offset” is the position relative to “conf” where
the value is stored.

I see 67 arrays of that struct (grep for “static ngx_command_t”).

I see 449 “ngx_string” within those arrays.

110 have unique *set values.

Of the ones with non-unique *set values, the few that have the same
“offset” value are:

ngx_event_connections - worker_connections, connections; one deprecated
ngx_mail_block - mail, imap; one deprecated
ngx_conf_set_sec_slot - open_file_cache_valid, open_file_cache_retest;
one deprecated

ngx_http_core_root - root, alias: single-valued, only one at a level
ngx_http_access_rule - allow, deny; both are valid
ngx_http_xslt_param - xslt_param, xslt_string_param; both are valid.

And separate from that, the directives which have a duplicate “offset”
value of “offsetof(something)” (as in, not-0 or a predefined constant),

open_file_cache_valid, open_file_cache_retest - one deprecated
satisfy, satisfy_any - one deprecated
optimize_server_names, server_name_in_redirect - one deprecated

If that’s an adequate analysis, it suggests that

allow/deny and xslt_param/xslt_string_param

are the only distributed directives which don’t follow the
replace-or-inherit-this-directive-only method.

All such cases are more or less obvious though.

I wonder, is it worth having a note in the documentation for these
exceptions to the common case?

I see that there is such a note at

Module ngx_http_xslt_module,

but not (yet) at



Francis D. [email protected]


On Wed, Apr 04, 2012 at 05:54:44PM +0100, Francis D. wrote:


If that’s an adequate analysis, it suggests that

allow/deny and xslt_param/xslt_string_param

are the only distributed directives which don’t follow the
replace-or-inherit-this-directive-only method.

Mechanical analisys of the codebase might miss some cases with
custom directive handlers used. But I suppose the result is
correct as it matches one from my memory. :slight_smile:

Module ngx_http_access_module

Yes, this surely deserves a note.

Maxim D.