On Thu, 27 Sep 2007 14:21:49 +0900, julik wrote:
I’ve got a similar problem as Jay, but in a totally different domain.
Having started as a script kiddo - what kind of book can introduce me
in the beautiful but-oh-so-scary world of things like bit shifts,
number representations, registers and that 0xF of them all, so that I
Wow, that’s a tough one today. When I did assembler (or machine
as many pointed out it should more properly be called), it was the next
natural step for a beginner too advanced for BASIC, and there were many,
many “ML for Beginners” books - in fact, I think I recall one titled
that from Compute! Books.
These days, I’m not sure that there are many beginner assembler
since it’s more a tool of game designers, firmware developers, etc.
assembler is much, much more complicated these days, with multi-core,
hyperthreading, pipelines, caches, microcodes, out-of-order execution,
branch prediction, and what-not. The 6502 had only 56 instructions
some undocumented combination ones), and order and execution time were
guaranteed. I imagine there’s some college coursework material
If you want to be totally anachronistic, you could download a Commodore
emulator, and find copies of the old Compute! books; I think at least
of them is now a free PDF. Look for Jim Butterfield, Richard Mansfield,
Tom Halfhill.
Just remember: $FFD2 is CHROUT, $FFE4 is GETIN, and $C000 is a great
to put code.