Conentent management system in ROR

i am willing to develop a content management system using ROR. somebady
told me that, for developing cms, ror is best way.

In content management system, what are the different typr of users we
have, and how can we give the privileges to those users.

for developing cms in ror, what are the basic steps we need to take??

first i want to develop user’s modul. that’s y i am asking about the
type of users and user authentication and privileges…

2009/7/7 Rajendra B. [email protected]:

type of users and user authentication and privileges…
Rather than developing one of your own why not get involved in one of
the many Rails CMS systems that are already under underway, you could
then help to make them even better. A google search for ruby rails
cms will find them.


Check this


2009/7/7 Rajendra B. [email protected]:

i tried it, i got some open sourse cms like rail frog and radient,
do u have any idea on railfrog cms, it lookes like better…
to create a user authentication module in railfrog, what i need to do??

You might be better asking that initially on the railfrog mailing list


Colin L. wrote:

2009/7/7 Rajendra B. [email protected]:

type of users and user authentication and privileges…
Rather than developing one of your own why not get involved in one of
the many Rails CMS systems that are already under underway, you could
then help to make them even better. A google search for ruby rails
cms will find them.


i tried it, i got some open sourse cms like rail frog and radient,
do u have any idea on railfrog cms, it lookes like better…
to create a user authentication module in railfrog, what i need to do??