if my category_id could be either nil or a int value, how can I specify
a condition that handles both?
conditions => [“parent_id = ?”,params[:category_id]]
conditions => [“parent_id is ?”,params[:category_id]]
I’m using acts_as_tree which meets the root levels have no parent_id
(null in SQL)
so if no category_id is passed as a parameter I want it to pull up the
roots, if one is passed, I want it to pull the children of that node.
On Jul 3, 11:27 pm, Grayson P. [email protected]
if my category_id could be either nil or a int value, how can I specify
a condition that handles both?
conditions => [“parent_id = ?”,params[:category_id]]
conditions => [“parent_id is ?”,params[:category_id]]
It you do :conditions => {:parent_id => params[:category_id]}
it should handle the case where params[:category_id] is nil.
Grayson P. wrote:
I’m using acts_as_tree which meets the root levels have no parent_id
(null in SQL)
so if no category_id is passed as a parameter I want it to pull up the
roots, if one is passed, I want it to pull the children of that node.
You should probably be using something like awesome_nested_set instead
– it allows for much more efficient DB operations.
Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]