Conditional "Expires" header config bug


I’m trying to conditionally set the “Expires” header. This tiny
snippet does not work as expected:

location ~* testing/.*\.png$ {
  if ($request_uri ~* "\.png\?[0-9]+$") {
    expires max;
  try_files $uri /testing/oops.png;

The basic problem is that if the png does not exist and there is a
query string, I get a 404 instead of oops.png. All other combinations
seem to work fine. I have read IfIsEvil, but the alternatives
presented (try_files, return, redirect) do not cover the case of
setting headers.

Is this possible with nginx config? Is there some extension module I
could use to achieve this?


P.S. Yes, this is a contrived example. My actual case is to continue
on to an image generating proxy instead of “oops.png”. but the error
is the same.


On Tue, Dec 07, 2010 at 01:09:54PM -0800, [email protected] wrote:


The basic problem is that if the png does not exist and there is a
query string, I get a 404 instead of oops.png. All other combinations

This is expected - try_files isn’t inherited into implicit
location created by “if”.

seem to work fine. I have read IfIsEvil, but the alternatives
presented (try_files, return, redirect) do not cover the case of
setting headers.

Not “redirect” but “rewrite … last”. Anyway, they are cover the
case in question.

Generally safe parttern using only “return” looks like the

location ~ \.png$ {
    recursive_error_pages on;
    error_page 418 = @expires;

    if ($args ~ "^[0-9]+$") {
        return 418;

    try_files $uri /testing/oops.png;

location @expires {
    expires max;
    try_files $uri /testing/oops.png;

location = /testing/oops.png {
    # we don't want expires max on oops

Maxim D.

On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 1:36 PM, Maxim D. [email protected] wrote:


The basic problem is that if the png does not exist and there is a
query string, I get a 404 instead of oops.png. All other combinations

This is expected - try_files isn’t inherited into implicit
location created by “if”.

I would very much like some more examples of what you mean here. It’s
not clear to me why IfIsEvil occurs, or how to think about what the if
statement is actually doing.

seem to work fine. I have read IfIsEvil, but the alternatives
presented (try_files, return, redirect) do not cover the case of
setting headers.

Not “redirect” but “rewrite … last”. Anyway, they are cover the
case in question.

Er yes, sorry.

This is clever! I didn’t know you could set an internal location with
error_page. Not that it isn’t documented, just that I never even
considered looking there for that sort of thing since the case I’m
using it for is not an error.

Thanks for your help!


2010/12/7 Maxim D. [email protected]:

  if ($request_uri ~* "\.png\?[0-9]+$") {

problems. As in your case - they don’t handle try_files (which
isn’t normally inherited, too).

It all makes so much sense now! If that explanation were on
If is Evil… when used in location context | NGINX perhaps other people could benefit from
it. Also a list of inherited commands / handlers might be helpful.

I managed to get my config fully working to my satisfaction, with 6
locations sections and 3 teapot error code jumps (there was more than
I pasted here, obviously). Thanks again.



On Tue, Dec 07, 2010 at 01:43:16PM -0800, [email protected] wrote:

try_files $uri /testing/oops.png;
statement is actually doing.
What “if” statement (inside location) actually doing is creating
implicit nested location (conditional one), with some hacks to
make handler modules (proxy_pass, fastcgi_pass, …) to be
inherited into this location (normally they aren’t). Basically
there are two problems:

  1. People expect

location / {
set $true 1;

if ($true) {
    add_header X-Header-One 1;

if ($true) {
    add_header X-Header-Two 2;


to return both headers. Though this isn’t something going to
happen, as actually the above config means something like

location / {
location …implicit-location-1 {
add_header X-Header-One 1;

location ...implicit-location-2 {
    add_header X-Header-Two 2;


And as usual nginx will select only one location to process
request. Hence only X-Header-Two will be returned.

  1. Mentioned hacks are incomplete / broken and may cause various
    problems. As in your case - they don’t handle try_files (which
    isn’t normally inherited, too). E.g. something like

location / {
try_files /file @fallback;

set $true 1;

if ($true) {
    # nothing


is actually means for nginx something like

location / {
try_files /file @fallback;

location ...implicit-location-which-matches-everything {
    # no try_files here


and try_files will not work - as there is no try_files in location
which actually used to process request.

More cases are listed on If is Evil… when used in location context | NGINX.

This is clever! I didn’t know you could set an internal location with
error_page. Not that it isn’t documented, just that I never even
considered looking there for that sort of thing since the case I’m
using it for is not an error.

One more hint: using “error_page fallback” like

log_not_found off;
error_page 404 = @fallback;

is actually better than try_files in simple cases. It a) saves
one stat() syscall and b) isn’t racy (try_files aproach has race
between stat() and then open() in static handler, which makes it
possible to generate 404 anyway - if you happen to delete file
between stat() and open()).

On the other hand - try_files is easier to use, especially
in complex cases.

Maxim D.