I am currently redesigning a program that shall accept input
from both a GUI and from a terminal window that runs irb.
In reaction to the input, some output will be written to the
terminal or/and some controls in the GUI will change.
I need help on the basic architecture of such a system.
I have two rather vague ideas:
(1) Somehow run the irb terminal within the GUI’s event loop?
(2) One thread runs the GUI, one thread runs the terminal?
Any comment will be appreciated, Joachim
On 9/4/06, Joachim (München) [email protected] wrote:
(1) Somehow run the irb terminal within the GUI’s event loop?
(2) One thread runs the GUI, one thread runs the terminal?
Any comment will be appreciated, Joachim
DRb could be your friend here, allthough it may be overcomplicating
I am currently redesigning a program that shall accept input
from both a GUI and from a terminal window that runs irb.
In reaction to the input, some output will be written to the
terminal or/and some controls in the GUI will change.
I need help on the basic architecture of such a system.
I have two rather vague ideas:
(1) Somehow run the irb terminal within the GUI’s event loop?
Some toolkits provide for actions-when-idle (“idle” is the keyword for
least one of them) or perform-this-action-after-that-delay.
*nix only (I don’t know how M$ and Mac/cocoa behave in this regard):
The main PITA with GUI threads is that they think that they are the main
program. From that “design”, it follows that those threads tend to block
natively when waiting for input, thus blocking all other Ruby threads.
results in crazy constructions to embed one in the other, even without
in between, including an X11 extension that shouldn’t have been (passing
focus from one toolkit to another).
irb uses readline; readline has a similar problem.
(2) One thread runs the GUI, one thread runs the terminal?
(3) One program irb, one GUI, both talk with drb to the real program
coincidentally, has a nice mutex somewhere to protect it from race
(4) Use a multi-line text widget to emulate irb
I am currently redesigning a program that shall accept input
from both a GUI and from a terminal window that runs irb.
In reaction to the input, some output will be written to the
terminal or/and some controls in the GUI will change.
I need help on the basic architecture of such a system.
Do you know the model view controller design pattern? Also look at
tiered designs where persistence is at the bottom, business logic is on
top of this, and “presentation” is on top of the “business logic”.
If you factor out your models and the kinds of changes that it’s
possible to make to your system, you should be able to quite cleanly
place a GUI and a command line “presentation” of the underlying system
in to a seperate module. In fact, you should be able to bolt on
arbitrary presentations (web based too, say) without too much trouble 
You’ll probably want some kind of concept of transactions and
synchronisation in the model to allow for different active parties to
make concurrent changes.
Joachim (München) wrote:
(2) One thread runs the GUI, one thread runs the terminal?
IMHO you are better off writing a GUI that handles events from both the
controls and the terminal window in a single thread. I say this for
reasons. One is that Ruby threads within a single process aren’t as
independent of each other as one might expect based on other languages
indeed, IMHO the present Ruby thread facility is not very good. Another
that multiple threads may represent a case of premature optimization,
before the simpler arrangement has been tried.
Does the irb terminal window accept input from a user, or is it fed data
from the program itself? If the former, it is highly likely that a
single-thread, user-event model would be best. Imagine a text editor
application, with a window for text entries and a set of controls and
menus. The user can type in the window or press buttons. There’s no need
for multiple threads in this case.
Also, instead of using irb, have you considered using Kernel::eval? You
might get better results and more control using eval and similar
options than by running a copy of irb. This of course depends on the
purpose of your program, which you haven’t discussed.
Joachim (München) wrote:
/ …
Is there no simpler solution than running irb and GUI as separate
with lots of interprocess communication?
Well, the answer depends on what kinds of commands you want to run.
will Kernel::eval produce the desired outputs? I ask because running irb
and feeding it commands may be a bit tricky.
Using Kernel::eval, you could pose and get rather sophisticated results
single calls and responses, thus simplifying the required interaction.
Another approach is to create a Ruby script on the fly, execute it and
capture the output.
Thank you, Kero and Paul, for your comments.
I see that I have to supply more specific information about my
It’s for scientific data analysis. The expert user will do most work
a dialog interface which I want to re-implement by extending irb.
entered through the irb terminal will result in changes in diagrams or
tables that run in separate GUI windows; mouse clicks in these windows
shall have the same effect as specific terminal commands. I also need a
log file which keeps track of all activities.
In conclusion, GUI activity should produce a command string which is to
executed by irb, and some irb commands will result in GUI changes.
Your comments indicate that threads are no good idea.
Is there no simpler solution than running irb and GUI as separate
with lots of interprocess communication?
Thanks again, Joachim
my user should be able to define variables, to define functions, to
include scripts, to hack for-loops, to iterate over arrays &c: the full
functionality of irb. Is that really possible with Kernel::eval ?
On 9/5/06, Paul L. [email protected] wrote:
and feeding it commands may be a bit tricky.
Well, I guess Kernel::eval is not useful for user input.
However, if the commands are well specified (as opposed to ‘do
anything to any of the application objects’) one could possibly use
either readline command prompt or gui buttons to issue the commands.
On Sep 5, 2006, at 10:10 AM, Joachim (München) wrote:
my user should be able to define variables, to define functions, to
include scripts, to hack for-loops, to iterate over arrays &c: the
functionality of irb. Is that really possible with Kernel::eval ?
Of course it is. irb is built on top of eval. (irb is AFAIK, pure
ruby. Without eval it wouldn’t work at all.)
Joachim (München) schrieb:
my user should be able to define variables, to define functions, to
include scripts, to hack for-loops, to iterate over arrays &c: the full
functionality of irb. Is that really possible with Kernel::eval ?
engl.: have a look on how fxri is dealing with that problem. there you
have an IRB integrated within a Fox GUI. i think it would be possible to
manipulate the GUI with its own IRB
you also can run the fxirb.rb
from the fxri lib directory as a standalone. i also tried to write a
piece of code that has a command line like the DOS prompt and a GUI. i
used tk and got problems because of tk’s need to be the main thread.
then i tried to write a version, where the single elements of the
program talk to a drb-server (ok, the GUI was the server (: ), but it is
not really nice to deal with.
ger.: guck dir mal an, wie fxri mit dem problem umgeht. dort ist die IRB
in einer Fox-GUI integriert. ich denke, es sollte sogar möglich sein,
die GUI mit ihrer eigenen IRB zu manipulieren
du kannst die fxirb.rb
aus dem fxri-lib-verzeichnis auch eigenständig ausführen. ich hab auch
mal versucht, ein bisschen code zu schreiben, um kommandozeile und GUI
zu haben. ich hab tk benutzt und bekam probleme damit, dass tk immer
meint, der main-thread sein zu wollen. dann hab ich versucht, eine
version zu schreiben, bei der die einzelnen elemente des programms mit
einem drb-server kommunizieren (ok, die GUI war der server (: ), aber
damit lässt sich nicht besondern angenehm umgehen.
Mario (Berlin)
On 9/5/06, Logan C. [email protected] wrote:
Of course it is. irb is built on top of eval. (irb is AFAIK, pure
ruby. Without eval it wouldn’t work at all.)
yes, but by itself it is not useful. You need something like irb on
top of it to use it for user input.
On Tue, 05 Sep 2006 07:09:55 -0700, Joachim (München)
my user should be able to define variables, to define functions, to
include scripts, to hack for-loops, to iterate over arrays &c: the full
functionality of irb. Is that really possible with Kernel::eval ?
Yes, just like some of the examples that float around here of people
defining whole methods in class_eval (sometimes several methods, in
you can indeed do that. (And I just tested and you can load/require
Be aware though that by using Kernel::eval on user input, your user can
also sleuth around and hack his way into the program you have written,
you should be very careful about using this anywhere were security is
You should also be very careful about running eval in a context where
there are exposed functions that could interfere with your user’s
meaning for his code.
I’d suggest looking at how IRB works, and then replicate its guts to
provide a relatively safe and clean execution environment. (Or use parts
of the IRB setup, but not the front command shell.) In particular, I
the tricks are in irb/workspace.rb
–Ken B.
Joachim (München) wrote:
my user should be able to define variables, to define functions, to
include scripts, to hack for-loops, to iterate over arrays &c: the full
functionality of irb. Is that really possible with Kernel::eval ?
A lot of user-entered code can be packed into an “eval” entry and then
executed. A simple example:
#/usr/bin/ruby -w
eval(“1.upto(12) { |y| 1.upto(12) { |x| printf(”%4d",x*y) }; puts “”
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72
7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84
8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96
9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132
12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144
It is difficult to imagine an advantage to irb in this context, where
real source of the code is, say, a GUI text editor pane, and irb’s
interaction preference may be difficult to overcome.