I have this:
<%= @tech_standard.category + " " + @tech_standard.point + “.” +
@tech_standard.subpoint %>
I get this error:
cannot convert Fixnum into String
point and subpoint are number.
How do I concatenate those values?
Seth B.
Web Resources Coordinator
Kentucky Academy of Technology Education
Murray State University
On Feb 13, 2006, at 2:40 PM, Buntin, Seth - KATE wrote:
cannot convert Fixnum into String
point and subpoint are number.
How do I concatenate those values?
@tech_standard.category + @tech_standard.point.to_s +
Or if you actually want to add the numbers first and then concatenate
their sum to the category string:
@tech_standard.category + (@tech_standard.point +
Jason P.