Composite primary key - Rails 4.1


I am facing issue with composite primary key

In my gem file I have the below entries -

gem ‘rails’, ‘>= 4.1.0.rc2’
gem ‘mysql2’
gem ‘rb-readline’, “~> 0.5.1”
gem ‘sdoc’, ‘~> 0.4.0’, group: :doc
gem ‘spring’, group: :development
gem ‘bcrypt’, ‘~> 3.1.7’
gem ‘composite_primary_keys’, {
:git =>
:branch => ‘ar_4.1.x’

When I tried running rails server, I get the below error

establish_connection': uninitialized constant ActiveRecord::Base::DEFAULT_ENV (NameError) from /home/samanth/.rbenv/versions/2.1.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/activerecord-4.1.0.rc2/lib/active_record/railtie.rb:129:inblock (2 levels) in class:Railtie

Can you please advise how this issue can be fixed?

The error is this:

ActiveRecord::Base::DEFAULT_ENV (NameError)

How does your config/database.yml look like?

On Wednesday, 14 May 2014 21:11:54 UTC-4, User wrote:

gem ‘sdoc’, ‘~> 0.4.0’, group: :doc

Can you please advise how this issue can be fixed?

I think this is an issue with the CPK gem, not Rails. My first suspicion
that the file that defines DEFAULT_ENV isn’t being required:

Note the bunch of files that are required in the CPK main file:

connection_handling isn’t on that list…

–Matt J.

Matt J. wrote in post #1146177:

On Wednesday, 14 May 2014 21:11:54 UTC-4, User wrote:

gem ‘sdoc’, ‘~> 0.4.0’, group: :doc

Can you please advise how this issue can be fixed?

I think this is an issue with the CPK gem, not Rails. My first suspicion
that the file that defines DEFAULT_ENV isn’t being required:

Note the bunch of files that are required in the CPK main file:

connection_handling isn’t on that list…

–Matt J.

Can you please suggest if any work around to get past this error ?

Andreas Wenk wrote in post #1146145:

The error is this:

ActiveRecord::Base::DEFAULT_ENV (NameError)

How does your config/database.yml look like?

The same config/database.yml was working just fine until I installed CPK

Please find below link where I asked for solution for the same issue.