Component or plugin

I have been learning rails for a couple of week now.
Mostly i’ve worked on a authorize/roles system and now i go to the
point that i want to separate it from en rest of my application to
share it with others and to use it in other projects.

It is a quite simple system that i implement using before_filter.

My vision is to separate the authorize methods and even some basic
login/logout/edit/delete/list user actions & views to a component or
plugin (do not know if these are right for me).

Is there a way to use before_filter on a components action?

It would be realy neet to have some basic views in a compnent
directory and then be able to override these like you do with

Any one have any sugestions?




On Mon, Feb 13, 2006 at 11:53:33AM +0100, Mathias Stjernström wrote:

plugin (do not know if these are right for me).

Is there a way to use before_filter on a components action?

It would be realy neet to have some basic views in a compnent
directory and then be able to override these like you do with

Any one have any sugestions?

Maybe you should have a look at If I
understand well, engines are what you are looking for.


Damien MERENNE [email protected]

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