Compile/install one component


We want to modify the source of a single component, compile it and then
reinstall it.
Is it possible to do so or I have to install the whole gnuradio?
If code breaks, is it easy to revert back just by reinstalling the
original component again?


On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Abhishek G. [email protected]


We want to modify the source of a single component, compile it and then
reinstall it.
Is it possible to do so or I have to install the whole gnuradio?

Yes, you can just go into the directory of the component, say
gr-audio, and do a make and make install from there. It will compile
the library and perform the swigging necessary.

If code breaks, is it easy to revert back just by reinstalling the original
component again?


Sure, especially if you make sure to use git properly. Since git will
track all of your changes, it’s easy to stash a change set or reset to
the latest checkin to go back.
