Now, thanks to the forum, I have my brand-new and shining Ruby script,
which I modified to fit my needs, but I can’t convert it into an
executable file. I tried with rubyscript2exe but it throws me an error:
C:\Users\Haukka>rubyscript2exe main.rb
replace': can't modify frozen string (RuntimeError) from C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rubyscript2exe-0.5.3/bin/rubysc ript2exe:5:in
<top (required)>’
from C:/Ruby192/bin/rubyscript2exe:19:in load' from C:/Ruby192/bin/rubyscript2exe:19:in
Can anybody help me, please? Or teach me another compiling method?
Thanks in advance
On Jan 23, 8:09pm, Dark H. [email protected] wrote:
Now, thanks to the forum, I have my brand-new and shining Ruby script,
which I modified to fit my needs, but I can’t convert it into an
executable file. I tried with rubyscript2exe but it throws me an error:
Please try Ocra instead:
Thanks everyone ^^ I owe you another. Just a final question: If I use
Shoes (or Netbeans, or any IDE/compiler you like), is there a way to
change this piece of code for another that shows the message and the
question graphically (a window, for us to understand):
puts “All your base are belong to…”
answer = gets
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 18:09, Dark H.
[email protected] wrote:
Now, thanks to the forum, I have my brand-new and shining Ruby script,
which I modified to fit my needs, but I can’t convert it into an
executable file. I tried with rubyscript2exe but it throws me an error:
Looks like you have an old version. There is an updated version
available at GitHub - ryanbooker/rubyscript2exe: Compile ruby applications into a single executable for for easy deployment. If you
don’t feel like building it yourself, there’s a pre-built version
available here: