I’m looking at the Comparable module in a book, and I can’t figure out
how to do a simple comparison. What I want to do is a loop based on a
counter. If the counter is less than 3, I want to execute the loop,
otherwise I want the loop to end. I’m used to coding something like if
$cnt < 3 but in Ruby that doesn’t seem to work. Obviously I’m new to OO
programming, so can someone give me a simple example of how to do this,
or point me to a simple tutorial on how to do comparisons?
Never mind, I figured it out, sorry!
Peter V. wrote:
I’m looking at the Comparable module in a book, and I can’t figure out
how to do a simple comparison. What I want to do is a loop based on a
counter. If the counter is less than 3, I want to execute the loop,
otherwise I want the loop to end. I’m used to coding something like if
$cnt < 3 but in Ruby that doesn’t seem to work. Obviously I’m new to OO
programming, so can someone give me a simple example of how to do this,
or point me to a simple tutorial on how to do comparisons?
Peter V. wrote:
Never mind, I figured it out, sorry!
Here are some ways you might not have thought of:
arr = [“hello”, “world”, “goodbye”, “mars”]
arr.each_with_index do |elmt, i|
if i == 3
puts elmt
(0…2).each {|i| print i}
3.times {|i| puts i}
2007/10/16, Peter V. [email protected]:
I’m looking at the Comparable module in a book, and I can’t figure out
how to do a simple comparison. What I want to do is a loop based on a
counter. If the counter is less than 3, I want to execute the loop,
otherwise I want the loop to end. I’m used to coding something like if
$cnt < 3 but in Ruby that doesn’t seem to work. Obviously I’m new to OO
programming, so can someone give me a simple example of how to do this,
or point me to a simple tutorial on how to do comparisons?