Comparison not working

I am getting a very strange error… I am working on a view that
compares a phone number in one model to a phone number in another model
and displays the matches and non-matches. However, when I try to do a
comparison using != it just pumps out hundreds of repeating lines. My
view looks like this:

<% for bes in @bes %> <% if bes.bes_phonenumber.to_s.size == 11 %> <% bes.bes_phonenumber = bes.bes_phonenumber.to_s.slice(1..11) %> <% bes.bes_phonenumber.to_i %> <% end %>

<% for import in @prov %>
<% if bes.bes_phonenumber == import.prov_service_number %>

<% end %>

<% end %>
<% end %>

<%= bes.bes_displayname %> <%= bes.bes_phonenumber %>
<% for bes in @bes %> <% if bes.bes_phonenumber.to_s.size == 11 %> <% bes.bes_phonenumber = bes.bes_phonenumber.to_s.slice(1..11) %> <% bes.bes_phonenumber.to_i %> <% end %>

<% for import in @prov %>
<% if bes.bes_phonenumber == import.prov_service_number returns false

<% end %>

<% end %>
<% end %>

<%= bes.bes_displayname %> <%= bes.bes_phonenumber %>

The first one works perfectly (I think) but the second just pumps out
about 100 rows of each bes_displayname and bes_phonenumber. Does anybody
know what is causing the error? I tried to find a comparison operator in
Ruby to say “not equals” but came up short… Is != not part of Ruby?


  • Jeff M.

oops, what I posted was the wrong thing, sorry…

The relevant part of the code is this:

<% for bes in @bes %>

<% if bes.bes_phonenumber.to_s.size == 11 %>
<% bes.bes_phonenumber = bes.bes_phonenumber.to_s.slice(1…11) %>
<% bes.bes_phonenumber.to_i %>
<% end %>

<% for import in @prov %>
<% if bes.bes_phonenumber != import.prov_service_number %>

<%= bes.bes_displayname %> <%= bes.bes_phonenumber %> <%= import.prov_service_number %> <% end %>

<% end %>
<% end %>


On 23 Jan 2008, at 00:18, Jeff M. wrote:

Random guess: you think bes.bes_phonenumber.to_i is actually changing
bes.bes_phonenumber. It isn’t

<% for import in @prov %>
<% if bes.bes_phonenumber == import.prov_service_number returns false

Not sure what you’re on about here, ‘returns’ isn’t a ruby thing, and
rather meaningless in the context of a view.
All this messing around with slicing strings etc. either belongs in a
model (if this is a data normalization thing) or in a helper of some
sort, as it makes views confusing and/or messy


What is bes and prov? Please don’t shorten the variable names as it
makes it
harder for other programmers to understand what the code is about.

You can do a select method call on the @prov collection and put the
condition in there, without the if. { |prov| prov.number != bes.number }

On Jan 23, 2008 11:27 AM, Jeff M. [email protected]

<% end %>
<% end %>


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Ryan B.

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