Hi, im trying to compare two arrays and creating a new one with the
values that are in the second array and the values that aren’t
concatenated with “NOT FOUND”, here is the snippet code. Im getting a
weird result im getting the same values saying “not found” and without
the concatanation, can somebody please give me a hint of what is going
Thanks in advance.
def handle_data(data1,data2)
c = 0
t = 0
result = []
while c < data1.length
k = 0
while k < data2.length
if data1[c].length > 7
result[t] = data1[c].include?(data2[k]) ? data1[c] :
data1[c]+" NOT FOUND"
t += 1
k += 1
c += 1
return result.uniq
Ok, from what i understand you are iterating thought the entire first
array and then testing the content of it in the second, thats seems
ok. Let me check if that can solve my problem.
And, related to the article i don’t know for sure, i wrote something
in the past but it was in spanish can you point me to the article or
at least the title of it.
Ok, thanks now im trying to take out this from a anyline on the file
[a-zA-Z] or #
this is the code that im using, but the lines stays with something
because my script parse that line. Another suggestion ?
I’m sorry, but I do not understand at all what you are asking. I
assume English isn’t your first language (and that’s OK). Could you
try writing it a different way, so maybe I can help you?
P.S. It’s considered bad form on the Internet and particularly this
forum to “top post”, putting your reply above the original text. In
the future, please try to put your reply after the quoted text, so
that the original flow of responses continues from top to bottom.
Hi, im trying to compare two arrays and creating a new one with the
values that are in the second array and the values that aren’t
concatenated with “NOT FOUND”, here is the snippet code.
Ruby makes it quite easy to find out which elements from one array
aren’t in the other:
irb(main):001:0> a = [ ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’ ]
=> [“a”, “b”, “c”, “d”]
irb(main):002:0> b = [ ‘c’, ‘b’, ‘d’, ‘e’ ]
=> [“c”, “b”, “d”, “e”]
irb(main):003:0> a - b # Items from a not in b.
=> [“a”]
irb(main):004:0> b - a # Items from b not in a.
=> [“e”]
irb(main):006:0> a | b # Items shared between both.
=> [“a”, “b”, “c”, “d”, “e”]
Sorry for that about the post i did not know. Maybe if i show you some
code you can check what am i trying to do.
Anyway i will try to make a simple explanation:
I parsing a CSV file using the module from the Ruby standard lib, by
far i have the parsing ok and the comparation too. So the problem is
that i don’t need to fieldnames to get in the comparation process, so
i was trying to take out the letters and - and # from the output. The
problem now is that i just notice that some columns in the data have
letters too so if i take out that it won’t make any sense.
If you have a suggestion can be a of a lot of help, thanks
data = []
i = 0
IO.foreach(filename) do |line|
cols = []
cols=CSV::parse_line line.delete(“#[a-zA-Z]-”).strip
if (cols[args[0]] != nil) && (cols[args[1]] != nil)
if cols[args[0]].slice(0,1).to_i > 0 && cols[args[0]].length < 7-
data[i] = “0”+cols[args[0]]+“-”+cols[args[1]]
data[i] = cols[args[0]].sub(/[^\w]/,‘’)+“-”+cols[args[1]]
i += 1
79 end
80 return data
problem now is that i just notice that some columns in the data have
if (cols[args[0]] != nil) && (cols[args[1]] != nil)
80 return data
Grimoire Guru
SourceMage GNU/Linux
Rafael it is indeed confusing, I guess I did not understand what you
wanted, why not post some data samples, or maybe it’s just me.
For the article no, was my error I have misread your signature it was
“Grégiore” not “Grimoire”, well maybe I am just muy cansado, si poedes
tambien ecrirme OFFLIST en castellano si quieres.
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