Comparing 2 files

I’m very new to Ruby. I’m wondering if it is possible to compare 2 text
files and if those files have any differences in them that I can then
automatically send myself an email stating that the 2 files are not the
same. Thanks for any help. I tried using ruby_diff but I don’t think
it will work for my purposes.


Aaron Scott wrote:

I’m very new to Ruby. I’m wondering if it is possible to compare 2 text
files and if those files have any differences in them that I can then
automatically send myself an email stating that the 2 files are not the
same. Thanks for any help. I tried using ruby_diff but I don’t think
it will work for my purposes.


ri FileUtils#compare_file
------------------------------------------------- FileUtils#compare_file
compare_file(a, b)

 Returns true if the contents of a file A and a file B are

   FileUtils.compare_file('somefile', 'somefile')  #=> true
   FileUtils.compare_file('/bin/cp', '/bin/mv')    #=> maybe false

 (also known as identical?, cmp)

Aaron Scott wrote:

I’m wondering if it is possible to compare 2 text
files and if those files have any differences in them that I can then
automatically send myself an email stating that the 2 files are not the

The first thing you could try is to stat the files (builtin File::Stat
class) and see if there are any relevant differences between them (e.g.
size, mtime).

Or you could ask the OS to do a diff on the files.

Or you could read each file into a string and compare the two strings.


Thanks That worked perfectly.

Aaron Scott
Help Desk Technician
MedAlliance Management Group, Inc.
Waterbrooke Professional Park
2312 Knob Creek Road, Suite 200
Johnson City, Tennessee 37604
Phone: 423.915.1126 x 18
Fax: 423.915.0635