Hi all,
I’m in the process of learning ajax and rails so I’ve made a very simple
ajax game on my site where people can log in and play. But now I want to
extend it further so that they can play against each other.
It’s a very simple alphabet game, but in order to calculate the score
for a player I have to take into consideration what the other players
did. So when the game is finished after 2 minutes all the players’ moves
has to be collected, compared and the score for each one calculated and
sent back.
I don’t really know how to tackle this, do I have to send all player
moves to a database table in order to collect information from all
players? How can I in a way get information from one user to another
without going through my DB?
And how can I make the game start and stop at the same time for all
Can I make some kind of global observer that can listen to several
different userIDs? Or is there a way that my server can access and write
data into several user sessions?
Ok this post became much longer than I intended it to be about a useless
game. But all I wanted to learn was more about sessions and different
ways of communicating between users. So If anyone have any good
tutorials or other webpages to share, I’d be very happy.