I am following “Head First Rails” to learn Rails Web Application
You need to match major versions and preferably minor version of Rails.
the snipped part of your e-mail, it’s clear that “Head First Rails” was
written for Rails 2, which is no longer supported. My suggestion is
find a
tutorial written for Rails 3, preferably Rails 3.2 (the current
On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 12:56 PM, Rubyist R. [email protected]
rails new <app_name>
This works but crashes the creation of directory structure in:
vendor/plugins is dead and if I remember right won’t even be supported
in Rails 4, so it’s better to rid of using it now. Any tutorial that
recommends using it, under any circumstance is outdated and should not
be used.
Later I tried running this command (as mentioned in the book):
ruby script/server
This command doesn’t works. I opened the Script folder and found that it
has only one sub-folder with the name Rails.
rails n dir – create a new rails app
rails s – start rails server
rails g – generate commands
rake -T – list of rake commands
rails has --help which will list base, and you can also do something
like rails n --help and list help docs specific to rails new.